Berry Koot

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Joined Dec 2015


useless bloody company ,made nearly 5billion sales stii rugi, just another snake oil salesman!
8 months · translate
AAX sudah mati!
9 months · translate
formed in 1993
9 months · translate
Adoi for an,airlines operating for 30 years with billions and billions of revenues trading at .69 sen, 30 years later you guys still believe such Con Air line,can you sense something is wrong with the management, do yourself a favour and wake up!!! la.
9 months · translate
This SPAC is all scam careful 99% scam,there 1000s n 1000s solid stable earning dividend companies, you wanna bey on CAPI listing!!
10 months · translate
hahaha,goood for u
10 months · translate
got so many s *****s here still buy,goodness wake up la...
10 months · translate
Imagine revenue nearly $5 bil per quarter talk kok every other day, where is the profit? ! -$159 mil ,still want to buy his shares, wake up la SOMETHING is very wrong here,这种人会信 吗????。。。my taman roti canai store makes10000x more profit..this company is all wayang!!
10 months · translate
looks like a SUPER HUGEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! lubang!
10 months · translate
Based,share movt.ini kali qtr earning untong sikit aje, or BAD! if good sudah terbang....sure one ada info or got bocor ady.
10 months · translate
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