Eddy Khoo

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Joined Oct 2015


learnt from MAS privatization and you would know what awaits Sapura. PNB or Khazanah or PETRONAS would acquire this n delist it from bursa. whatever remaining cash would be to pay up secured creditors. the rest can pick up the dust and smoke left by them. shareholders would always the ones to bear all the losses.
2 days · translate
too big to fail. Gov is still helping and looking for buyer. most shareholders would be burnt for sure when it get delisted. only paid up the secured creditors in moving forward.
2 days · translate
why buy a dying company?
1 week · translate
seem shorties still not done with GenM
1 week · translate
cheang, glove counters were in my freezer for the past 3 years..cant be "consumed" yet. long time to go before significant recovery in 2026 the earliest.
1 week · translate
this the bonus warrant. should be announced soon wth the coming results
1 week · translate
top glove would give free warrants instead.
1 week · translate
where got cash to give. been burning cash.
1 week · translate
directors and bosses still get their salary and bonus as usual whether kicked out frm index or not
1 week · translate
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