Eddy Khoo

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Joined Oct 2015


the operator kind enough to let ppl cut loss today instead of pushing higher tomorrow and trap more.
3 days · translate
Cheng it needs good timing and sentiments to play with warrants. not to keep. more for trading.
1 week · translate
cheng, the nearest call warrants expiry is end July. no call warrants expiring this month. I started to enter some call warrants position after the sharp drop of GenM from 2.80-2.65 and I expect it to drop further until 2.58 which was the recent low. it painful for those who bought the warrants before the quarter results
1 week · translate
That the one time payment for the license is already USD500 mil. Raising fund in RM1.7 billion won't be enough. selling of the Miami land is indeed essential..not forgetting that the proposal is around USD5 billions
1 week · translate
1.7 billion funds raised in less than a month? why suddenly need so much of cash?
1 week · translate
This week Fed rate decision would impact the market and those with higher exposure in US markets. Even if Fed doesn't cut rate in June but if it comes with softer tone and setting expectation of rate cut in end July, that may set off the bullish market
1 week · translate
this week should stabilize and next week would reverse trend. just monitor the pattern that GenM has been trading for the past 2 years.
1 week · translate
no mention of releasing QR next week. possible releasing at the end of month or earliest 3rd week of the month
2 weeks · translate
DD completed by the consultant. next is approval by Melaka gov. Sales could be confirmed within the next 2 months. momentum should build up when more good news are out.
2 weeks · translate
probably need 2-3 months to settle the selling of OPM to Melaka Gov. Hopefully they get back some cash rather than just pure land swap
2 weeks · translate
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