Muhammad Faiz Faiz

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Joined Nov 2017


This user has been posting inappropriate comments recently.
Boycott kasi crash mati Nestle!! Boycott!! When Nestle crash dia blame other people's religion, but don't dare blame ownself Patung Tokong Pekong..
Yesterday · translate
You haven't recovered your money yet from the high floors but here you talk cock that you earn money.. You are funny ley..
2 days · translate
You are funny ley.. Free Milo and Meggie better Nestle give than dividend money.. Bhahahahahahhaha..
3 days · translate
Continue boycott until Nestle crash lower.. Kikikikikikikiki..
4 days · translate
Ask Google, FB, YouTube to stop using Algorithm to build their software can? Algorithm founded by Al-Khawarizmi.. Plus, 1 of the YouTube founders is Muslim and then they sell YouTube to Google, you mean you shouldn't use YouTube and the rest of software worldwide u mean? Kikikikikikikiki.. I know you guys masih sakit di Nestle since you guys bought at higher floor.. Kikikikikikikiki, later junam balik, sakitnya.. Kikikikikikikiki..
4 days · translate
lol Bwahahahahaha.. You are funny ley..
1 week · translate
Liew Dekka gave smart/wise comment..
1 week · translate
Sorry Engrish is not my primary language, So you "catch" the Volcano larva? Kikikikikikikiki..
1 week · translate
Here the way they comments looks they have entered high floors, then talk cocky and not going to admit they caches the falling Volcano larva.. Kikikikikikikiki..
1 week · translate
At what floors you caches Nestle falling Volcano larva Yow? Just tell the truth no shame.. Kikikikikiki..
1 week · translate
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