Michael Lee

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Joined Sep 2017


Very poor performing REIT. How do people get interested in it.
2 weeks · translate
Amfirst is going to sleep for a long long time. The CEO is a useless guy.
2 weeks · translate
Hektar, my average price is 0.51, I'm keeping it to earn dividends and any capital gain.
3 weeks · translate
I'm not touching my Amfirst, it's for long term. Sentral is the next target, so start collecting when price is right.
3 weeks · translate
Now my target is Sentral, dividend soon.
4 weeks · translate
Anmounced 1¢ dividend. Such poor performance.
4 weeks · translate
Hektar gearing is too high. It need time to perform esp Subang Parade.
4 weeks · translate
At your price, there is no necessity to cut loss at 0.495. Can safely collect your dividend twice annually.
4 weeks · translate
I think under 1¢. 1st Quarter only 0.47.
1 month · translate
What is the price of IDRP? Still not announced?
3 months · translate
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