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Game over I guess. Retailers have little to lose comparatively to the creditors and financiers who have a huge stake. Interesting to see how it will turn out ha ha
Susan, your link actually downgrades Scientx TP : Kenanga Research is reducing its FY25 to FY26 earnings by 9% and 15%, respectively and downgrades Scientx TP to 3.60 from 4.20+. Beware of further dump by PJ ha ha
Recent high before dv11c was 470. Unlikely to reach RM5. Potential is there, but with the risk-off mode on and continuous fund exiting, pbb may face volatility on the downside. Good luck guys
Unlikely to plunged to 2.50 cuz we have our buddy Jasper Kong selling everything incl his house to buy at 3.20 level (clap clap clap). FOREVER shareholder of Scientx ?