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Joined Jul 2023


There is usually a reason. Insiders know the news and they buy. Others follow. Upon anouncement it will be flat.
17 hours · translate
Good article about the company. But there is NO WAY that Alam will exit PN17 in the first fiscal period of 2025. Things are just more complex than getting subsurface service contracts.
Yesterday · translate
There is NO WAY that Alam will exit PN17 by the next reporting period. Nothing actually was done in the last 3 years aside from writing a PLAN that has not even been approved yet. Implementing it will take years.
2 days · translate
You can hold as long as they pay dividends.
4 days · translate
I sold. It seems that there is no momentum. Stock close to original price before the runup.
4 days · translate
Seems like you will get a low low price soon. Earnings disaster.
5 days · translate
Huge bids. 250 mln. Someone prevents us from buying at low price.
6 days · translate
Thank you. As a long term shareholders, I tell you that this counter only brought me pain. In my opinion insiders use their knowledge to front run minority investors. We are their prey.
1 week · translate
It is time to wind up this company. Divide 78 million among shareholders, each will get 7.8 sens. Give the assets to banks. Shareholders will be better off that way.
1 week · translate
Words of Wise.
1 week · translate
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