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Dividend is irrelevant if company retains the earnings and reinvest for growth. Your money inside the company grow larger over time. Look at the long history of Berkshire Hathaway that doesn't pay dividends, instead reinvest the retained earnings for compounding growth.
I agree with Andre V analysis and view on Able Globe steady earnings plus the dividend I have invested in this share over a period of three years buying at various prices I would have made a good profit if sold when the price was RM 2 plus I don't regret as I m confident Able Globe will rise up again
my losses in ABLE recovered at other counter. when the management got problem u need to leave no matter what. the core person who in charge the company expansion already tak boleh percaya.
no comeback in medium term. the falsify letter circulate in internet mention the reason to apply sugar import permit as they are supply milk locally and export to Africa. NKH private com supply sugar to ABLE as well? if the company apply anti corruption and anti bribery policy they will terminate relationship with able perfect. such action will have impact raw material price.