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Cut loss... No one will save AA for now as many company waiting other to save too... Khazanah will only save MAS among 4 local flight company... Recent rebound is main player trying to hold the speculator to move it in hope of rebound... In long run, you think low travel rate and high expenses AA manage to survive? RM499 package already a package for AA to absorb cash to save company but the disease bring down Tony plan... My advise, cut the f up of this stock...
also suggest cut loss. very risky. they still holding customers money from future flight. that's why their cash is high . if this virus situation do no get better, I fear AirAsia will be in deep trouble.
Downside: Covid, people pessimism and little revenue. 1H2020 is totally gone due to hibernation.
Upside: Government intervention for strategic economic reason (tourism + national integration). Become leaner and more efficient.
Shit scared or optimist potential? Cut loss or longer horizon? Deep pocket or money needed for makan now?Tanya sendiri lor.
Common sense, if after MCO (June july) will u dared go genting, will u travel around world.... i. e China already control virus, but ppl still stay at home not going out spending
I predict AA gonna to be bankrupt if world continues to lockdown as AA has no income to cover a high fixed cost. Unless Malaysia Gov help AA by buying their bonds.
I m prophet SKL, i forseen AA will go PN17 thn PN 18, all aeroplane turn into dust, TF go bankrupt and homeless sleep kaki lima, his korean wife run and find another rich man....