Muhammad Adam Bin Mohd Nizam's comment on SFPTECH. All Comments

Muhammad Adam Bin Mohd Nizam
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Oversold now. Technical bottom fishing. Depands on chart indicator.
fishing is good as long as you are familiar with the place / your usual spot :)
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Melvin 8888
after oversold , it should have rebound
either small or big rebound
hope it was big rebound... hehehe
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heard the chief financial officer and chief marketing officer no longer fishing in this pond. I was contemplating whether any more fish left but since they are no longer allowed to fish, I will go and buy fishing gears on Monday and join the fishing club here. Managed to have a look at Q3 and Q4 report and pond owner made a fast decision to stop them from fishing in this pond. Have not seen such a swift action within two quarters comparing to other companies. Immediate recovery from these action is sga should be back to normal instead of raising eyebrows leading to higher pbt - have to validate this in q1'25 report. The new cfo will assist the pond owner in managing the finances of the pond.
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Pogjer Jay
clear all, poor SFP...
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not sure, pogjer jay. will have to wait to see next qtr results. for now, cash balance 8M, usual sga is typically around 5M to 6M max. It should suffice as long as receivables are collected timely; the worst case for the sudden rise in the receivables is being impaired. Fund raising such as pp will dilute its value given its high nosh currently.
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