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Me too. Hahaha, because the expected dividend yield is 7% based on current price. I just pity those follow youtuber and guru chases hot stocks....all claim to teach fundamental but actually teach FIFO and FOMO.
I got close relatives work in hibiscus, sapura and etc for now o n g companies still good no laid off and unstoppable workload need go back offshore office always
I see. Ya, secret to Hibiscs is to check if their production rate increase or not. Since all major maintenance has completed, i am sure they will be very busy this 3 years. As long it is still profitable to extract oil, the only goal is to extract as fast as possible.
any guidance on the actual barrels per day (bpd) for crude oil? the boe/day consists of two - crude oil and gas. Back in 2020/2021, the crude oil production for Hibiscus was close to 10k bpd from the assets on hands. Not sure what is the status now and hence asking. Been a few years now since I last looked at it :)
The great thing about Hibiscus is their willingness to share data openly. For me, I focus primarily on the production rate, as it is the only controllable factor, and the growth in dividend per share (DPS), which reflects the CEO’s willingness to share profits with investors. As for the volatility of Brent crude and the Ringgit, as long as these factors do not impact earnings by more than -20%, it should be safe to hold the stock for the long term.
thanks, TN. same2 - production rate bpd and boe, asset reserves replacement - how much proven and probable reserves and the balance sheet. Not really attractive if the asset reserves replacement is low - more capex needed for explorations or acquisitions. Will be interesting to see how much it has grown over the last few years from close to 10k bpd to not sure how much it is now; same goes with its 2P/2C reserves
I also betting that Sarawak Gov may want to have a stake in Hibiscs (privatise) in the coming years to secure Petros long term operation sustainability.
I used to pay attention to asset reserves, but now I think the data is not reliable. Companies like Enron (2001), Royal Dutch Shell (2004), and OxyContin & Anadarko Petroleum (2019) all overestimated their asset reserves. Anyway, based on Hibiscus' CEO's track record, he always tends to underestimate everything. Haha, the only time you see the dividend per share (DPS) growing is when he feels it's safe to give out a dividend. Same goes with share buyback. Hibiscs is the most conservative run company in Bursa, therefore it is boring and Guru cannot make up stories to hype the stocks.
(ps. Production rate will increase if reserve is healthy. They pump less when reserve is almost empty regardless what is their estimated reserve)
ok, thanks TN. reserve drying up is a problem. the leading indicator is pump volume more than reserve replacement volume - run for your life if you see this :)
Mungkin sukar Petros, Sarawak bergerak solo, kata ketua PN negeri.Jaziri Alkaf Abdillah Suffian berkata Sarawak mungkin tidak mempunyai kapasiti dan kepakaran mencukupi untuk membolehkan Petros berperanan sebagai satu-satunya agregator gas.. Hello... Abang Jo... wink wink.. solution is here... wink wink.... hib..is...cs....