HEnry Goh's comment on DRBHCOM. All Comments

HEnry Goh
3 Like · Reply
i already in 1.37 ultimate tp RM2.60 year end just my dream lol
Azri Wira
Naik sampai Rm2.60 akhir tahun ni amat susah ..
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HEnry Goh
takpa tuan kita berangan je haha...andai sampai rezeki...tak sampai pun tak pa...yang pasti akhir tahun takkan lagi bawah seringgit empat...
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Azri Wira
harap-harap ada special dividend tahun ni. ha
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Kimwah Chong
Co Syed mokhtar can’t invest anymore! Ty can allow POS KEEP LOSS 7y n do nothing!
1 Like · 1 month · translate
HEnry Goh
takdak untung banyak nak bagi special dividend camana tuan
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HEnry Goh
nvm let drb bankrup then we can buy at pn17 price and gov come bail out wahahhaha
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Azri Wira
Tak mungkin berlaku punya la
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HEnry Goh
saja cakap macam tu ja sebab komen atas kata pos asyik loss...saja je tu...
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Jo C
Henry, adding? im adding, tax penalty go to court, it will take yearsss before got any conclusion
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Nick Chung
drb has total 47,000 employees, bankrupt how gg Malaysia economy take huge hit
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Ng Wai Chong
won't bankruptcy easily,might be delisted, those bosses still continue earn, employee still gets salary, only minor shareholders become victim. this is a game
1 Like · 3 weeks · translate
HEnry Goh
how can bankrup lo...wont happen...gov will bail it like FGV...
1 Like · 3 weeks · translate
HEnry Goh
@jo c no add le...paper loss already huhuu...nvm hold ba..
wait and add if below rm1...
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Lily Losm
really can great again?
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