weichao lee's comment on CYPARK. All Comments

weichao lee
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Chong Chia Kang
pls share your news
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wenkiet ong
U can see all details in announcement
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Jonathan Dawn Lye
lol ? newwss
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wenkiet ong
No news. It’s just the directors sold part of the share they got from recent ESOS, probably to lock the profit. U can see all details in announcement:
3 Jan 2020 - ESOS offer, RM1.24/share
23 Jan 2020 - Acceptance of ESOS
18 Feb 2019 - Sold part of the shares at RM1.37/share
That’s all. After all, their total holding still higher than before ESOS. I guess this means they still remain optimistic about the future potential of the company.
Btw, you can get all details from announcements.
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Darren Lim
Dept is so heavy. 可以进吗?
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weichao lee
wait their 2019 annual report first only consider hold or add
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Darren Lim
Okay. Thanks.
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Hyb 38
still can hold ma.....aiiii
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yutaka tong
this stock recommend by warren. didnt see him comment
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Hyb 38
原来warren卖了,酱我也说bye bye吧。
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weichao lee
cypark 2019 净利润持续成长,如果公司把净利润的的25%当作股息,相信股民可以拿到的回酬也是不错的。
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