Jian Chen's comment on ECA. All Comments

Jian Chen
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In the current quarter under review, there is a slightly increase by 3.4% in the revenue
to RM5.81 million as compared to the immediate preceding quarter of RM5.62 million.
Concurrently, the profit before tax (“PBT”) is also increase by 52.7% from RM0.17
million to RM0.25 million, mirroring the growth in revenue. The favorable result in both
revenue and PBT is better product mix and increased projects deliveries during the
current quarter under review. These gains were offset by higher cost of sales due to
changes made to the product mix at a later stage as well as increased selling and
administrative expenses.
Despite the slower-than-anticipated global economic recovery, the Group remains
optimistic about the gradual recovery of the semiconductor industry in the latter half of
fiscal year 2024. The Group is firmly committed to its long-term strategies, focusing on
diversification through the introduction of innovative products, enhancing operational
efficiency, and expanding market presence.
The Group's strategic priorities include diversifying core products, securing new
projects, expanding customer bases, and developing a comprehensive medium and
long-term growth plan to leverage potential business opportunities. Through these
initiatives, the Group aims to accelerate time-to-market for products and introduce new
revenue streams alongside existing offerings.
Additionally, the Group maintains a positive outlook on sustained demand growth in
sectors such as artificial intelligence (AI), telecommunications, and automotive
industries. The Group will continue to pursue new opportunities through innovative
product development and market expansion, while maintaining strict cost control
measures to ensure competitiveness in the global market.
Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Group maintains an optimistic outlook for
both its business and the industries it operates in, with current signs pointing towards
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Jian Chen
要碰一点Ai????? 。
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