money generate's comment on RANHILL. All Comments

money generate
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it means the price of ranhill really worth only 0.995 anything above tht is overpriced. so the drop rate are high. this is just basic matts, I saw many share happen like this. it will go back
Ryan Wong
If one product, 1 or more company wanna acquire it with 0.995 sen means that product is a gem or the product is useless ?? Think about it
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shah jehan
Dr 18-19 Jun, Maybank beli 300k dh
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money generate
you go see. Maybank wake up and throw at 1.48, try imagine ya , buy 1.58 and throw 1.48, how much lose is tht for Maybank. cos they know they lose, so sux up and leave. that's what happen now
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Iqbal Idham
bukan Maybank yang beli, Maybank IB, ada la tu yang beli guna Maybank IB as proxy. proxy acc, segala jual beli semasa tempoh pengambilalihan kena direkodkan.

baik jual je, nanti bila semua dah jual, minoriti kena paksa jual pada harga 0.995 juga, hamdan pun dah jual semua tu.
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