Ah Choon Wong's comment on RHBBANKC51. All Comments

Ah Choon Wong
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虎头,我有買一分半的,你不要害我亏钱 !
Kevin Yap
yo, so low ler....
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, half 0.015, half 0.02

, and little bit 0.025
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Kevin Yap
really well done!!! hope we ah huat togather ya,Acw
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, remember to lari

kuat kuat once announce dividen and up up up …….
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Kevin Yap
the only way man!
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, remember to lari

kuat kuat once announce dividen and up up up …….
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Kevin Yap
i willlllllllllll
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Kevin Yap
ACW...ytlc77.... good?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , good also , but sometimes very slow movement …..
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Kevin Yap
yes, that is why i wondering
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Wen Chong
ACW, this c51 still can enter ke? macam risky
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Ah Choon Wong
Wen Chong , yes very risky , but premium negative , in the money….
once announce good news , lari kuat kuat ooi !!!
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Kevin Yap
wait a minute...u ask me lari kuat kuat or itu anak lari kuat kuat
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Wen Chong
alright. I try to buy some see whether got extra pocket money bo.. Hahah
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , once up , lari kuat kuat lah …..you boleh lari ka ?
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Kevin Yap
i jog only boss, every weekend...6 am...run tak boleh tulang keras
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Ah Choon Wong
Masih kuat , steady lah ….hahaha !
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Kevin Yap
cikit cikit...ACW, when u wanna announce the dividend?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , hopefully as soon as possible

because the c going to ex ……
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Kevin Yap
yes yes, ACW....before she abandones me, i kena kiss her say good bye
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Ah Choon Wong
完美,明天更上一层楼 !
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Kevin Yap
chow yuen fatt movie...for a better tmr...kikiki
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Ah Choon Wong
股市什么事都可能发生,不要乱下定论 !
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Kevin Yap
ACW....ur sentence shows a thousand meaning ler....wa gong gong one, later wrong interpretation. so the plan still same, right? lari kuat kuat....
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, sell and take back your capital , the rest of profit let it run …….
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Kevin Yap
ok, this one ok....follow..heng arrr
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Kevin Yap
ACW, relax......as long as u got good intention, why want to bother other....remember the story of Eagle and crow? Eagle won't disturb by crow , too small thing to look at
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Kevin Yap
now sime break 2.69 , shld be hyperactive liao....BO kan, ACW....power u....huatt arrr
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , see my TRC …. 哈哈哈 !創新高!
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Kevin Yap
in my watchlist mah...got see....u know that day i bought 0.365....got 1 ppl kong sam kong sei...until i scare....now i learn to be more confidence with you , ACW...not to forget superman
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, those people Tin Kosong , know how to make noise only ….
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Kevin Yap
yeah... king king kong kongking king kong become tin milo kosong
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Kevin Yap
Acwwww...sudah announce meh
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, not yet, only the dividen reinvestment plan DRIP, don’t know how much they want to fix the price …..
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Kevin Yap
haiya...confuse...they dropped b4 i sell lo....
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Ah Choon Wong
US market no good, Raya coming , many taking profit …..still in the money, hopefully announce as soon as possible ……
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Kevin Yap
wrong timing ACW.....Haizzzz...makan apa, bro
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Ah Choon Wong
Petai goreng chicken meat , Vinegar Pork (猪脚醋)and Sayur-Sayuran .

Cooked by 小野猫 …..hahaha !
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Kevin Yap
walao ehhhhh....hakka dish....ur darling is hakka lang?
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Ah Choon Wong
Me hakka, she hokkien cha bo ………….
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Kevin Yap
so lucky of u....she sayang u ooii...mine is terbalik
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Mayanne Chan
Wah, hokkien woman can cook very well, oiiiiii... ACW, you are really lucky to have her! *v*
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Kevin Yap
nanti jadi mcm cimb-cij kan
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Kevin Yap
ACW, today is 03rd .... Rashid ckp it's time to announce wor...kikiki...just kidding
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, not yet, anytime will announce !
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Kevin Yap
i want to see the cause and effect lor
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Ah Choon Wong
Ya, it’s a good experience to see how it works out when call warrants ‘in the money’ when expiry….
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Kevin Yap
my veli veli first time lor...lalalalala....
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Oliver Queen333
Acw n kevin can enter this warrant at this dip?
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Ah Choon Wong
Oliver Queen33, don’t buy, because going to expire….

buy others like Sime-78
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Kevin Yap
Oliver, i tgh mau lari , bukan mau masuk ya
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Ah Choon Wong
虎头,不要錯杀到这边 !
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Oliver Queen333
Acw kevin, Noted dailou on advice. But sime78 has gone up, can still enter at current or wait for retracement. Tqtq
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Ah Choon Wong
Oliver Queen333 , yes wait for retracement better …..
monitor the mother share price movement, as Sime took over UMW completed , for the next two quarters, results expected to be good…..
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , dividen announced D , ex date 18 April …..good timing !
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Ah Choon Wong
25 cents , ex date 18 April …..good timing !
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YC Lee
ACW, sell the c51 before 18apr or hold it?
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Ah Choon Wong
YC Lee, if you have profit, sell take back your capital, the rest with profit wait until last two days then only sell …….no right or wrong, just suggestion …..
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YC Lee
thanks acw then i will hold it
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Kevin Yap
ACW....oooiiiiiiiiii...ngam ngam hor ler....hoseh liao.....tet-hmm-tet in hakka
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Kevin Yap
lu want chiu,pong-ngai-kong oooii...kikiki
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, good announcement date and ex date !
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Lee Biu Ghze
Tomorrow buy buy buy!
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Lee Biu Ghze
买卖自负, so ESAD!
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Kevin Yap
thanks,ACW...let see how she performs tmr ya
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin…. 顺其自然吧,命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求…. 许冠杰 !
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Keith Lim
It will only be worthy to hold if share price go above 5.8 otherwise it has no value
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Kevin Yap
namo amitabha...what will come , it will come, what will go, it will go, no force required...that is the simplicity
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ampire JJ
请问Acw大哥,派息warrant有的拿到吗?不好意思,我是小白新手 ~~
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Ah Choon Wong
Sze Chia Lok, warrants 和 call warrants 都没有股息拿。

warrants 到期如果in the money, 可以轉成母股。
Call warrants 不能轉成母股,到期 in the money, 投行会付现金,通常会跟踞一个 formula.
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW...let the bullet fly today?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning , remember take back the Capital first if market allow……then let profit runssssssssssss !
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Kevin Yap
ACW, I will....popi popi i can earn a cup of coffee...
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Kevin Yap
paling cantek chart now is MYEG kan
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Kevin Yap
LK , wa lari liao. let the profit run...kalu ada rezeki ada la, kalu takde nasib, let it go let it go...kan ACW
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin sorry , just now driving,

spend few days in Penang, take capital back , let profit runs …..
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Kevin Yap
ACW......veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy jealous you laaaaaaaa...kikiki....cheer bro
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Kevin Yap
u got a house there, Acw?
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Ah Choon Wong

My in-law’s house in Minden Heights, next to USM …..where I studied !
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Kevin Yap
arr...no wonder la...but i cannot drive to far. i cepat mabuk jalan
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Kevin Yap
next time lu bawak i pigi sana makan...btw, where is supermannnnnnn
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …. Mahu buat cikit hal !
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Kevin Yap
ACW....hoseh liao....huatt arr
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning….

As Dow and Nasdaq keep dropping and oil price keep going up…..
Also this few days our market….turkeys also can fly in wind storms….
‘’better take some cash from market’’
There is a saying, sell in April/may , go for holiday………..
I already booked for holiday in 21/4 (Apple Holiday) this month to Chengdu 九寨沟,8150.00 per person, together with 小野猫 and friends………
Cash is king as Raya coming……Hahaha !
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW....yes, it is better to take the cash....market can easily u-turn lo...hey , congrats on ur Armada and Penergy ya...song liao.

Happy holiday bro...rm8150 must be vip trip....not cheap lo. Ho jiak Ho kun...
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Kevin Yap
ACW....haiyooooo...why why....why u dun wait me for ur MNH ....congrats bro...kikiki
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Kevin Yap
ACW, mmg pannai MM push down ini baby .....takut oooi.....
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Kevin Yap
ACW...question here....mama up for 3 days but anak talak naik....later if expire, anak 0.005...even in money, nothing much we can get , right?
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Ah Choon Wong
Yes , before ex , must sell , lari kuat kuat !
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Hihi ACW, but I dun understand why mama up manu, anak talak naik sikit?
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Oliver Queen333
Hue it has reached its maturity period. Premium at negative means it has reached its potential and expiring soon.
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Keith Lim
CIMB issue的warrant多数拿来割韭菜的
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