Akii GLog's comment on GOCEAN. All Comments

Akii GLog
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ok dh touch support. esok fly
Lim Kok Wing
Yes. hit my support too. tambah
Like · 8 months · translate
Akii GLog
goodluck for 2nd session. Hope today is our day.
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Aliff Fahmi
if rebound only for temporary ..later will sell down again
Like · 8 months · translate
Waiting….wish your all the best.
1 Like · 8 months · translate
Aliff Fahmi
run first...
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Akii GLog
Aliff ni mmg jenis pendirian tak tetap ye. kejap post rebound kjp post lari.Hahaha Santai je la , Market bukan kita punya. Win or lose is sure thing. But nobody is wrong or right untill it happens.
1 Like · 8 months · translate
Aliff Fahmi
haha smlm nampak nk rebound...harini lari dlu la ...rse mcm nak kene push lagi bwh mcm.ade operator block harga nak naik
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mohd syazwan ali
Hhahaha tula psl. Aq perati je si aliff ni. Smlm kemain post ckp rini fly to da moon. Tp dh delete hhahahahahaha
1 Like · 8 months · translate
Aliff Fahmi
xpe la aku tnggu operator kasi Pecah harga blockage tu dlu..nnt aku masuk kalau jd rebound..
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mohd syazwan ali
Mase tu dh kne tggl dh. Baik masuk skrg hahaha
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Aliff Fahmi
ok beli 155 standby nak jual 170...lepas duit nak beli beras
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Matt Kim
Limit up..
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Lim Kok Wing
fair value 0.30
Like · 8 months · translate
cheers……lagi ada chan?
1 Like · 8 months · translate
sang meng lau
better enter tomorrow
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Lim Kok Wing
it's brewing ........
1 Like · 8 months · translate
Akii GLog
Current Resistance :
0.255 Final Boss
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Lim Kok Wing
angin belom sampai
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Akii GLog
Kasi tiup kuat sikit boss Lim.
Like · 8 months · translate
Bos main petang..tunggu je.
2 Like · 8 months · translate
Lim Kok Wing
show mungkin datang in few days. simpan dulu
1 Like · 8 months · translate
dear Lim, still got show? can wait?
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