Strategist Invest Lam's comment on DIALOG. All Comments

Strategist Invest Lam
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Share price uptrend started here
hopefully the uptrend is solid stable
1 Like · 1 year · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
Need more patience to wait this share is slower but definitely worth
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yk tan
what happen to dialog?
1 Like · 1 year · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
Share price move towards 2.5 soon
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Strategist Invest Lam
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
盈利稳住阵脚 筑底完成股价准备回到2.36
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yk tan
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Strategist Invest Lam
Yk tan 是的 这个股很适合刷单 太有规律了
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Keith Khoo
Engine start. Get Set, Ready, Go.
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tinghock low
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Master123 Master
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tinghock low
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Vion Chang
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Mark Siow
投行的分析很简单,股价掉就拼命踩,股价起就拼命吹,我都可以做投行的分析员滴 。。。
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Lee SK
别看大户说什么,看他们做什么。Security Commission 规定凡是大户/大股东买入或抛售都必须做public announcement。所以无论他们吹得多高还是踩得多低,他们举动是骗不了人的。EPF和KWAP不断买进你就知道他们看好,问题是你有足够的持有能力吗?
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tinghock low
1 Like · 10 months · translate
新闻及消息都是庄家放出来的。不要一直听人说什么什么,有好坏消息都不是我们这些散户第一时间收到的, 被人割韭菜了都不知道。
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
Better to wellknow what happen behind on the listed company than trust those nonsense news or un-factable Invest Banks commentary
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Strategist Invest Lam
On the way breakout 2.2 soon
Like · 9 months · translate
Haha Haha
I buy at 2.3,still got hope?
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Strategist Invest Lam
Why no hope crude oil price is back and this counter profits result is still great than ever just need time and patience to build Stronger support only
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Mark Siow
股价起不了是因为operating cost压不下来,如果以它现在的revenue再配合一个较低的operating cost,那么业绩就会很美,但是它的operating cost几时会压下来?就只有天知道。。。。
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
管它什么operating cost 每一家油气股都是如此 所以油气股在大马永远都承压 只能中长期 遇到便宜就买来守 市场重估时就抛 反正卡着都股息赚 多几个月又要派股息了
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Haha Haha
怎么才算低估 重估,有算法是吗?
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Strategist Invest Lam
它不是一种演算法 股票从来就不是靠演算法 别给演算法框住视野 我只能说我all in 的每一只股从来就是被误会或不合理低估 而引导出被逼重估而大反弹 所以开始全世界酸民会从嘲笑我转脸黑 最终看着我帮组织赚大幅度盈利 而他们白白错失良机
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Strategist Invest Lam
其中因素之一的油价 自从Aug2022重新碰回95usd/bbl 被逼重估回被低估的股价位置 我们准备被带飞吧
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Strategist Invest Lam
股价又开始重复爬回2.1 的节奏 爽呀
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
你喜欢怎么说 我也无所谓 我清晰我的策略我知道我的目标是赚钱 而且全部都赚钱就行了 不劳你故意开小号说三道四 不喜欢就忽略我 有病 无知的家伙
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1 Like · 5 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
@SKL 超认同 闲 收官过年的好好的心情 一早起来就被毁了
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Nigel H
我并没有trash talk, 起是肯定(很大可能)会,毕竟各大银行也给出target price. 只是吹水就真的没必要,你下次说话也要经过头脑
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@Nigel ,怎么你不去问银行吹水怎么不经过大脑?
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Nigel H
Sorry 我只看maybank的,而且你的理解逻辑有问题。我什么时候拿他跟银行比???
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你说银行出的target price.. 垃圾
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Haha Haha
Nigel H 哪一个website看target
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Haha Haha
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Shawn Cheah
投行TP给 RM2.43
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Shawn Cheah
有法律限制 target price这种买卖建议的东西不能发给公众 只能发给客户
所以你只能跟自己的投行拿report看,public website是找不到的
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Haha Haha
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Haha Haha
那我安心继续持有好了 反正现在跌很大可能吓人
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Shawn Cheah
我没用过rakuten不清楚,通常登入后在research那边就能找到了。有些投行只给tp 2.3x
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Nigel H
@Haha Haha public的不要太过相信啦,maybank蛮不错,target price基本都能对上,至于讲银行垃圾的可能他自已也没什么见识
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Shawn Cheah
我也是只看maybank的,它的report分析会比较合理和符合逻辑 有理有据,其他的感觉都乱来,刚刚去看了rakuten的竟然给tp 3块多....
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Dan Danne
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Nigel H
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Nigel H
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Steven Gan
继续new low + new low..Hoollan MooooN!!!
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Strategist Invest Lam
下半场 国家队又看见进场收货了 爽呀
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Shawn Cheah
还有70k lot的散户在排队cut loss,这些散户应该是炒仙股爆仓了,要卖蓝筹股来补仓,国家队资金充足可以一直买,我们还可以再等等,我等1.71
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Strategist Invest Lam
我的下一个layer 也是1.71 呵呵 去年年尾的谷底也是碰那个区间 才形成这个股的 y-o-y double bottom
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Kah Hau Tan
今天的买卖value 会不会是马股前5名
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Steven Gan
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Dan Danne
Expected drop till 1.78
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Steven Gan
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Steven Gan
RM2 OTW!!!!!!
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Strategist Invest Lam
股价一口气回到1.8 底部筑完了 看来便宜货sales festival 完了
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Poh Chai Teoh
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Strategist Invest Lam
看到买力回归 应该是一口气的事
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Strategist Invest Lam
股价一口气冲破rm2 爽呀
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Strategist Invest Lam
果然没让我失望 股价就快碰2.2了 爽呀
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Chan Ah Pek
Collectwd at 1.8 sell when?
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可以上3 天明天2.50
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Vion Chang
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1 Like · 4 months · translate