Vante Chan's comment on CYPARK. All Comments

Vante Chan
8 Like · Reply
1.38 入场会是个如何命运? lss3 的标。。业绩也要出了。。 祝大家好运
getting power , wait explode
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Look at Pestech. Got project and propelled faster.
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Walao... 发唠叨一下就起。Heng Ah, Ong Ah, Huat Ah
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Unload 50lots at 1.57......wait for opportunity.
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Load back + top up at 1.46
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Vante.... 你还在吗?。。。哈!
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Sian Jin Low
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Sian Jin Low
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Vante Chan
我还在。。。 应该和warren 差不多价钱吧 嘻嘻
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Low.... 什么事啊!......
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Sian Jin Low
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Sian Jin Low
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Vante Chan
什么东西没有动静 嘻嘻
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Sian Jin Low
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Vante Chan
原来。。。 那样继续等咯。。暂时 也不便宜 呵呵
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Ck Tan
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Jun Lee
Cypark 的庄不大爱推,股价常常横摆。
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Lee Wilson
我退出啦…… 亏钱离场的 哈哈 #¥%&$xx
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Lee Wilson
看来我亏少退出是幸运的... 没想到跌那么凶
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Time and Space
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Sian Jin Low
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Time and Space
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NiaSing Wai
lee sean 进了才叫我,哈哈哈哈
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Time and Space
Wai, okok
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Qwen Wen
Jin low, cypark can buy or not now?..
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Wilson Tai
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Lonaldo Lo
This is renewable energy stock.. And this is pioneer in the market.. They are epcc and service provider and sold to tnb almost 20 year period.. Result will grow steady.. Anyway in initial stage need lot of money for rolling like WCE..
That why we can see lot of loan incurred, Anyway bank still keep borrow them due to their customer is TNB.. So just steady a bit all of u.. Buy if u think potential or confident (same like tnb)..
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lee sean 一块以下了.....
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Lonaldo Lo
Perfect storm coming
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Sp Chai
可以分批买入了。。。time to accumulate
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Mistake S
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Roy Kah
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Tui Ho Wang
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Mistake S
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Tui Ho Wang
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Roy Kah
对的,很多公司都是借钱做生意。。这个可以了解。。越借越多,银行也要看你公司有没有能力还 才借。。 只有生意越做越大,越赚越多就好。只要WTE能在今年发电,应该会很好吧!
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Mistake S
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Roy Kah
無相悟,文章指出cypark的可疑处, 大概说什么呢?
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Roy Kah
無相悟 ,会不会是要建造WTE的费用呢?造成Trade and other receivables 变成高了呢???
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Roy Kah
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Roy Kah
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Roy Kah
無相悟 ,Trade and other receivables 变成高了?就是只要当 project 还没completed 时, contract assets就会=receivables,收以Trade and other receivables 变成高了,是因为project 还在进行中???
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Roy Kah
那么Trade and other receivables 变成高了是正常的是吗?因为project 还在进行中???Contract Assets =Trade and other receivables ,只要complete, 正式移交工程,发票据,就可以收钱了对吗???
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NiaSing Wai
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Roy Kah
WTE是一定要complete, 没有的话垃圾要这样处理呢???
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Tui Ho Wang
年报表示wte已经在cold testing了如果没记错
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Roy Kah
只要WTE完成,可以发电给TNB就没问题吧,就可以帮other receivables=contract assets 减下去咯!
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Roy Kah
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Roy Kah
NiaSing Wai 什么是双刃剑,大家小心…不明白,cypark的report2019的current assets是RM608974,639,而这个数目而放在receivables让大家觉得债务很高,那么Trade and other receivables 变成高了是正常的是咯,因为project 还在进行中???Contract Assets =Trade and other receivables ,只要complete, 正式移交工程,发票据,就可以收钱了对吗??? 让大家不敢买它的股票,其实债务才有RM43353075那里会高呢?那应该买它的股票咯!
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Roy Kah
NiaSing Wai 什么是双刃剑,大家小心…不明白,cypark的report2019的current assets是RM608974,639,而这个数目而放在receivables让大家觉得债务很高,那么Trade and other receivables 变成高了是正常的是咯,因为project 还在进行中???Contract Assets =Trade and other receivables ,只要complete, 正式移交工程,发票据,就可以收钱了对吗??? 让大家不敢买它的股票,其实债务才有RM43353075那里会高呢?那应该买它的股票咯!
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Lonaldo Lo
总债务是11亿多,短期债务1亿多,cash in FD5 亿多(sukuk 借到的钱550M), within 3 month from 1.6 drop until lowest 0.6 now 0.85++. Buy 20 lot max paper loss is 21k during January.. Now still paper loss 13k++ 。 Thinking buy more 20 lot to average. 本身做tnb生意,所以renewable energy 是未来tnb 和政府都在推行的政策。lowpe,div 不错,业绩稳健成长,结果一个market 大跌,到现在cypark 变成死Park( dead parking). high liability 的公司真的要小心。
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Lonaldo Lo
还有renewenergy生意真的那么好?LSS 1,2,3 tender price /kw 越来越低,if we compare LSS 1 vs LSS 3, offer price <rm0. 2/kw sold to tnb for LSS3, 2-3 times lower than LSS1.. Operation n maintenance cost will increased year by year, efficiency will drop after certain times. Their contract signed 22 years and price is fixed, if any operating cost higher will cause their profit drop or losses in future, they are not like tnb which rising cost can transfer to consumer (this guarantee them to maintain profit, )..
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Lonaldo Lo
Delay of tanah merah project,
after received the money 550M from sukuk, then their project started to running at other project.even though they are pioneer in renewable energy industry, but their risk quite high, they should learn how to reduce the liabilities year by year. Otherwise they will be become like sapura energy, all their money contribute to Bank finally
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NiaSing Wai
谢谢 lonaldo 的解释,其实很多人都不看好是因为风险太高。前景看是不错,除了债务问题。但是未来的事情没人懂,随时变化。所以其他人会看比较稳定的公司,有实力的。没有哪几家最好,大家都有好坏。
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Roy Kah
Lonaldo Lo ,你说总债务是11亿多,短期债务1亿多,cash in FD5 亿多(sukuk 借到的钱550M), 但是六亿多的债务是Contract Assets是RM608974,639,都还没完成Contract,当然不能收齐payment,所以不可以算是债务!!!只要工程complete, 正式移交工程,发票据,就可以收钱了对吗?因为现在工程还没complete,所以Contract Assets高!
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NiaSing Wai
Roy, 就好像你说的几时完成是一个问题,收钱又是另外一个问题。最怕有拖无欠,哈哈哈
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Roy Kah
NiaSing Wai ,也对,生意一定有风险的,大家也明白 ,总债务是11亿多,短期债务1亿多,cash in FD5 亿多(sukuk 借到的钱550M), 但是六亿多的债务是Contract Assets是RM608974,639,还有WTE以投资大概五亿多了。
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Lonaldo Lo
Lss1, 2,3, average price from rm0. 45, rm 0. 32, rm 0.177 /kwh for lowest awarded bidder .. 这些只是参考. 以前solar panel 原料比较贵,现在比较便宜,不过个人认为Lss1 or 2 的赢家比较好赚, 比较快那回本。其实大家不用怕它收不到钱, tnb 还顾客钱很快的。现在起一个1Megawatt solar, 大概是Rm4mil, 100 Mwatt, 大概就400Mil, 不包括征地费用, so that why they apply rm550M from sukuk for this project purpose, they just win 100Mwatt last year for East Coast. Eg, Lss3 lowest is rm0. 177, maybe cypark 老招牌,their offer price to tnb is rm0. 2(这个资料找不到),rm0. 2/kwh*100Mwatt capacity
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Lonaldo Lo
Rm0. 2x 8hour x100000 x300days:RM48mil income per year. 22year revenue almost 1bil, 所以, 前面要invest rm 550mil ++, 还要yearly maintenance +operating cost +Bank interest, 最后就拿回RM 1-1.1 billion ++, 。所以风险很大,又没钱赚, 只是turnover 在增加吧了,好看而已, compare solar vest, 帮人起solar plant, completed 就 拿钱。所以风险之前忘记评估,现在才开始算,当作给钱买学费,现在住套房了,慢慢看他走完一里路了。
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Lonaldo Lo
Roy kah, 他的contract asset 的钱是分20多年来收, 不是completed 就可以拿钱,所以一年produce 多少电就拿回多少钱,类似IPP or malakoff or ytl power。不过前面却是要投资很多钱来起solar plant, 过后起好了才可以卖电给tnb 收钱。赚不赚钱在于合约的价钱,below rm 0.2 肯定没肉吃。this counter price started to drop when they announced they win the project 100Mwatt in terengganu for Lss3 Dec 2019 while government also announced the Lss3 awarded bidder lowest is rm 0.177. Cypark便宜没好货,买了就算了,还没买的advise 你们买cypark 的买家tnb, 贵点,不过风险比较少。
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Lonaldo Lo
我自己也有20lot rm1. 5, 还没卖,paper loss rm 13k++. 现在得空,就与大家分享以上观点,不对的地方请大家纠正。谢谢
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Roy Kah
Lonaldo Lo ,谢谢你的分享,因为大家都说cypark 太阳能的前景好,但是债务高,我打算买入,所以想了解它的债务为什么这么高,原来是contract asset 高,造成它给大家误会了,以为收不到payment,原来是contract还没完成的。那最起码,不是顾客不还payment, 而是工程合约吧!!!
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Lonaldo Lo
无相悟,我本身不熟悉账目。很多母公司都是有很多子公司。拿到project,丢钱给子公司,通过financing and certain profit 让mother company 看起来稳赚和减少 risk。个人认为current asset 大部分应该是子公司欠母公司,应该project还没完成。这间公司还有从事landscape, waste water, rubbish recycle 生意(垃圾废电),etc. Tnb 自己本身也有solar plant, 只是不会自己吃到完,分散risk. Tnb 只是跟他买电,不是叫cypark 帮他起solar plant, 所以cypark 一定是细水长流公司。所以未来大家会看到cypark 的turnover 会倍增。不过profit会不会倍增就很难讲。不要看到太好,也不要太过灰心。买些就好,不要allin。
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Lonaldo Lo
前两年Energy minister 大力推行renewable energy, 所以大家都很看好solar 兴业。不过 Ms yeoh 喜欢open tender, 所以Lss3 的500Mwatt 大家打到头破血流,rm0. 177 /kwh , 未来还有Lss4, 5,etc..所以竞标价太低绝对是关键影响股价,。不过现在换政府了,下一次会不会closed tender 就不知道了。所以有时候还是不要了解太多, buta buta 买,看运气。
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NiaSing Wai
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Lonaldo Lo
Mia sing wai, 其实了解太多也未必赢钱,只是知道输赢在哪里。
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Ah Choon Wong
现在的gas 及 煤炭價銭这么低,发电厂会選solar 耒发电嗎,这是我的一点意見,接下来還会有新的solar发电的contract嗎?Ytl power 以低价買了Tuasspring发电厂,可能以低价賣回大馬
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Lonaldo Lo
对,没错。一路来都是coal 最便宜,gas是最贵的,不过比较清洁过煤炭很多 solar 是最贵的,所以我们的 electricity bill 5% 是来补贴solar 的。现在用gas发电还便宜过煤炭。其实我们的国家有sign 环保协议,something like protect our earth ,reduce Co2 emission. 他的意思就是在我们的power system structures 要reserve certain quota to renewable energy.. 所以未来还有很多solar project to fulfilled the quota.
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3 Like · 4 years · translate
To reduce air pollution and environmental concerns,renewable energy still the best option
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Lee Wilson
谢谢 Lonaldo 的分享
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Lee Wilson
这个之前投资cutloss过一次,现在再回来”赌”一次。 赌业绩 赌股息 ,嘻嘻
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Vante Chan
老板也看不顺眼 sbb 一些 哈哈
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Vante.. 早,还有cypark 啊!
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Vante Chan
没有咯。。还有就输到妈妈不认得。。跟warren 一起cut
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Mr Wick
会飞的需要时间 潜力股
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Vante.. 一月尾就跑囖。。。有买手套股吗?
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Vante Chan
supermx 1.6x sold d.. haiz now fly lile rocket haha
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Supermx 赚点,上个月换去ruberex {PE27 左右卖了}.. 现在又换去 comfort 与 ocncash... Go go go.....
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Vante.. 鸡蛋价格怎样?.....
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Sian Jin Low
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Sian Jin Low
Steve, ocean cash你买在什么价位哦
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Vante Chan
保持。。 A 0.37 b 0.36 c0.34
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Vante.. 谢谢。。价格差不多而已,不过如果销量好的话,应该毛利也不错。。
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Low... 昨天才买,0.515...慢慢往上建仓。。*-*
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Vante Chan
等业绩出了再来看看吧。。5月 要来咯
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是啊。。不过买少少,手套股比较多。。。ruberex 等了两个月, 终于有回报。。嘻嘻!
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Vante Chan
你就爽。。 不用做 工钱有。。subsidi 又有, 股票又有
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Vante... 前一两个月我都一直在等待。。看你们赚。。。嘻嘻!
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Vante Chan
亏到妈妈不认得就有。 直接大跌 30 50% 来不及砍了。。就放着吧
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Mistake S
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Vante.. 如果没机会,我还是会砍的. 这个5月的季报不是好玩的。。
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Vante Chan
等业绩吧。。。大多数都不会好看。。但是现在散户都大力推。。 外资每天都卖出100+m..
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Lee Wilson
如果业绩不好 会剩下 50sen吗? 流口水等着看
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Low.. 昨天考虑要买carepls 还是 ocncash... 看了季报,carepls 债务较多。。所以选了 ocncash.
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Vante Chan
股市里什么都有可能。。等等吧。。 熊3 来咯。。
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