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Haha sky, i apply 100000 share but only gv me 5000 share. Better than nothing. This is my 2nd successful IPO this year. The 1st ipo making losses and some more gv full subcription.
fair value i give for this counter is o.45, have 0.55 above , fast fast take profit , operator large vol buy up while open market , take profit slowly . company performance only 1.55m net profit , after minus ipo and listing fee , next report not good . where can 0.65 ? if 0.65 fast fast run .. no need any doubt .
lol , i wont delete comment , wont ask others to follow , wont ask others to all in . when ppl ask , i only comment better avoid , or can try buy little dont all in . many counter i no ticket , but still comment positive too . haha