joe lai's comment on UOADEV. All Comments

joe lai
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Tan Jing Heng
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joe lai
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Tan Jing Heng
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Kevin Tram
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joe lai
这些股买少少罢了,没差,我只all in serbadk
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Tan Jing Heng
all in serbadk 能赚快钱吧。
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Tan Hong Jie
Use the dividend back to buy some shares to average down the price, huemax tan .
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Tan Hong Jie
Reinvestment just like dollar cost averaging.
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mable lim
may i know how to know is good to do dividend reinvestment ? Or just take the cash. Pls help
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Khor Chee Wee
@mabel Lim if you're into long term, the dividend reinvestment program offer 1.63 per share, current market value as I am typing this message is 1.68 so it's actually worth it
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Hy L
Anyone know how to do reinvestment with Rakuten.
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mable lim
@khor thanks for your info. Then I know what should I do .
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Tan Hong Jie
Just apply and key in how many shares you want based on dividend received, then the net dividend (after deduct reinvestment shares) will bank in into Rakuten account, Hy L.
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Remus AK
interest rate hike, property sales under more pressure. DRP price no discount to current price at 1.63.
might as well take the cash and look for better bargain? e.g. Maybank, also high div & will benefit from interest rate hike.
2 Like · 1 year · translate
I waiting 1.58 add on
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Mark Siow
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Khor Chee Wee
KLSE is over sold, seriously when will it stop?
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