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Loh, the government have previously announced that our borders will officially open on April 1st. Foreigners can enter our country freely under certain circumstances.
The govt also announced that we will be moving to endemic phase starting from April 1st.
why not , once price above 1.30 immediately lift off the pn17 status like dataprep before , and now each day ppl keep bump few hunred thousand to company , + going to turn losses to profit very soon , + cimb working with airasia superapps in providing share trading platform , and digital license , + many country anounced no need wear mask , e.g singapore , + poker king promised will invest another lump sum while the time is right .. after this , company expected to out perform at least 3 kali ganda each year after taken huge lesson ..and its expandion of business are huge , india , indo, phili , thailand population are huge population, curi makan commision 5-15% by 2 billions population , on foods , delivery , other fairline ticket , hotel , cosmetic , healthcare , loan , cosmetis , share trading fee , can simply bring extra to 200 to 800m per year , current situation after discussion and restuctred ,long term debt repay each year around 350m only , from 70cents to RM5 to RM8 after 5-6 years once airasia stable and ability to generate 1-3 billions each year .. i cannot see any reason why not