Kahchoon Yeong's comment on YONGTAI. All Comments

Kahchoon Yeong
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全球因素还是不能忽视。在恒大同意为国内债券支付利息后 和中国人民银行也将向金融体系注入了更多流动性,并希望政府能出手援助以防止违约危机, 昨天全球亚洲市场普遍收高,然而,恒大并未提及今天和9月29日到期的两笔美元债券利息支付,投资者预计仍保持谨慎。
May Koon Lee
I 25k bought top glove , now 5k left ... also never cry dad cry mum lo ! I have faith in tg, just like how I have faith in ytb
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Noohchak Gnoey
ya lo.... share market its about the "market" , YTB did well in their businesses and they hav everything on track, but the market trend like this, how?
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Kang Hean Lee
Please ask Dato Sri why sold his shares
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WoW Channel
so that he can buy low sell high
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Tan Lee heng
dato seri bought at price 0.220-0.225 and sold at price 0.180-0.20.
I don't want to further explain, you all see yourselves.
If yongtai got future why dato seri Lost money also sold it? WHY?
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David Tohhk
because you smarter than him
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The Maslim
Betambah bongok ini stock
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Kang Hean Lee
I already say dun be happy so early…0.135/0.14……wait wait wait…be patient for those who want to buy low.
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