teikchye kee's comment on HARTA. All Comments

teikchye kee
44 Like · Reply
Let's see TP 4 in 6 mths ahead...
chow 5194
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Those uncle kee very bad mouth one , u see his every comments…. If let me meet him , I sure punch him like doggy doggy ….
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teikchye kee
lu siapa...small tiger ah...hahaha
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kok jason
why EPF keep buying HARTA
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teikchye kee
Harta best buy. Later, I masuk
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Mr. GK
Epf 入场的股要谨慎观察,嘻嘻
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teikchye kee
Mali sini, cepat sikit...hahaha
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手套股 坦白说 我只看 Kossan 跟 Harta 毕竟这两家 是 Contract base 的生意。
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ricky chin
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Tang Ding Her
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teikchye kee
cepat sikit...hahaha
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Profit Sikit
高人?Durant Lim囉,哈哈哈哈哈
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durant lim
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teikchye kee
mali sini, cepat...hahaha
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Jason Chan
Sudah tp 4 ?
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Alex Low
it will all the way to 2.5 in one year time
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Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum
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teikchye kee
coming wor...hahaha
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Tang Ding Her
wow...TP 4 coming soon
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teikchye kee
semakin dekat...hahaha
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Hassan Mansor
so ?? it that means u r great ?
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teikchye kee
semesti nya...hahaha
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Hassan Mansor
congratulations! u r great !
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Lim Chun Eik
你们TP 了吗?????
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Mr. GK
Mali sini TP 4 and TP 3.81
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Zaifol Bin Shamsu
everday join top looser...TP 3 coming
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Hassan Mansor
aiyak. why up ? TP 4 in 6 months ahead again?
keep trying u have many 6 months
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Mr. GK
Jangan risau, I tunggu je, hehe
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Hassan Mansor
abang kee kata 4 in 6 months.. tak tahu which 6 months?
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Harts no bad
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teikchye kee
bro...dah hampir itu hari, kamu tak beli kan...hahaha
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Afiffuddin Abdul Aziz
Uncle teik janji capati la. Saya suda call remizer all in tepat2 4 xkena la
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TP2 by year end
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teikchye kee
sabar lah...hahaha
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Uncle ni mulut memang tak bagus bah , always bad word ….. busuk memang Ini uncle kee
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teikchye kee
bukan saya busuk, harga dah busuk mcm tahi...hahaha
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Afiffuddin Abdul Aziz
Hahahahhaha. Uncle teik, main coin bttr la. Nak bullish tu
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Elvin Gan
Uncle ni mungkin sendiri rugi besar,hari2 nak gloves stock rugi dia bru syiok,hati busuk lah
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teikchye kee
tak rugi, cuma nak beli murah simpan utk hari tua nanti...hahaha
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Hassan Mansor
orang rugi uncle gembira ..hahaha
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Mr. GK
Uncle cuma nak beli murah je, hehe
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Memang hati dia tak bagus , everywhere his comment also negative talking ….
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Mr. GK
Actually Uncle pandai cari masuk price yang bagus, hehe
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U boleh pandai , tapi jangan always negative word …. Lagi satu , orang kalah dia gembira , hatinya busuk
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Jim Chong
uncle give tips
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Mr. GK
betul ker, i biasa nampak uncle kata real word saje la, jangan marah la
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Tan ah kao
Still got more stxpxd ppl support the most stxpxd cannot sleep and shit also come out old man kee.
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teikchye kee
mind yr languages....hahaha
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Mr. GK
Tan ah kao betul betul kasi orang marah kao kao ya, hehe......
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Elvin Gan
Ini ah pei sendiri mungkin rugi besar di gloves stock,Hari2 mahu gloves turun mulut busuk,hati busuk,kepala pun busuk juga!
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teikchye kee
cepat sikit...hahaha
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mr. kee, what is the basis of TP 4?
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Ricardo Siau
Getting closer to entry price... Cool
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teikchye kee
TP 4 is the price whr all speculators, IBs, will be scared to see...hahaha
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Happy Wong
when tp4 reached,tp2 is coming?
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Afiffuddin Abdul Aziz
Aik unker. Mana ayat “Give you free better”?
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teikchye kee
nanti² sy beli dulu then peli them...hahaha
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teikchye kee
cepat sikit...hahaha
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teikchye kee
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Mark Lim
3.50 - 3.70
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Everywhere uncle comment, share holder panic lol
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elly halim
3.70 la uncle..
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teikchye kee
the graph & sentiments tells..don't blame uncle...hahaha
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Edward Kok
Uncle teckchye, we got no one except you to blame
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teikchye kee
hahaha...u mean me...hahaha
The best prediction master ever...hahaha
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Lol you blame someone who comment on forum instead of those buaya who keep dumping ticket. Logic wei
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teikchye kee
cepat sikit...hahaha
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Uncle it will go visit 3.xx or not haha
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Zhulfat Zhulfat
lni harta sudah bikin sy kurang harta...huhuhuhu
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Lim Chun Eik
Hahaha.... Kamu tolong tauke bikin harta
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teikchye kee
tp 3.00 too cruel....hahaha
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Tp3.00 is possible hahaha
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Zhulfat Zhulfat
who want to buy my condo..am going to buy more harta..hehehe
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teikchye kee
play at your own kemampuan..
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Afiffuddin Abdul Aziz
I mampu harta at 50 kupang. Come hereree
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Fai LC
Harta rm3.5 topglov rm1, uncle which one you more prefer?
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teikchye kee
both sayang...hahaha
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Fai LC
:D you funny
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quite near rm4, mr Kee, good prediction.
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James Liew
uncle overal prediction is 90% accurate..dont mess with him..he say up must up..down must down
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Wiki Tay
Mr Kee is legend!
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Max Sim
His prediction already expired. He said 6 months ahead but his comment was 9 months old. Just acted smart. Haiya.
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teikchye kee
aiyah...u oso can ma. Try to predict PCHEM in 6 mths x...hahaha
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Ricardo Siau
Bravo uncle kee
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Alvin Kento
9month not 6month ???
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Edward Kok
More than 6 months la Uncle. You can’t consider win leh
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Zhulfat Zhulfat
no body is god so will never exactly on the dot..but can be consider win lah..the price was not going up to 5++ and played around 4 and might be below than that..
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Lim Chun Eik
Harta landed soon, fasten your seat belt
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teikchye kee
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Mun cean Chan
Uncle very cun
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Eddy Khoo
so uncle did u buy 1 million harta share since u waited for more than 6 months?
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Benny Money Lari
Hi Uncle well play cuncun oh
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Tan ah kao
Congratulations to kuku kee bought at 4. Let's target 3.50 within 6 months. Cannot sleep and shit kuku kee. Lol
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Kevin Tam
Oh, good prediction from uncle , really fallen down to below Rm4.00….
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Afiffuddin Abdul Aziz
Uncle sudah berHarta
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4 B
Uncle.. go predict how many Prime Minister we will have for the next 5 years ??
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Ricardo Siau
3.5 come to me
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3.00 otw hahaha
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teikchye kee
apa lu mau...hahaha
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Zhulfat Zhulfat
haiiiya...sudah susut sy punya harta...adoiii...sudah makin tidak ber harta..mati lah nak
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