Su wei Ui's comment on TCS. All Comments

Su wei Ui
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我是新人 问一下 原材料比如stell 起价会对公司影响大吗?
Akhom Wutthimethakun
Hi, Su Wei Ui , you must know that the material raw up to How much ? If the steel up very very higher , it will affected their profit.. But in the natural of steel business, it will not longer time .. So I will looked forward their performance is better.. If their performance don’t good , are you want to invest in TCS ???
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JJason Lim
so mean cost of material increase, profit will drop. short term profit will affected?
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JJason Lim
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Akhom Wutthimethakun
Hi, Good afternoon, JJason Lim , 胡金龙 said that it is right.. So you don’t worry that TCS will lose the profit for steel effect.. last year the steel of price increased so higher in last quarter.. TCS also earn more than RM 5 million .. And Nowadays, The steel of price will slowly to decreased and stable in the future.. So Why we are want to worry about the steel of price???? I already said that you must pay attention the TCS of performance ... IF TCS cannot get more order books in the future, We are must be carefully for this counter...
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Su wei Ui
我也有买tcs 那么激动做什么呢?
原本预留20% 的net profit raw material起短期少赚是事实 我只是好奇会不会contract 有说明一旦原材料起超过预期成本可以转嫁给发放contract 的公司而已
如果有那么原材料大涨也不会影响公司的profit margin那么多
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Js Tan
steel or any of the material price will be locked down in contract for the period of construction
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Su wei Ui
js which means if the material price higher then the lock down price in contract the main company need to paid right ?
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Akhom Wutthimethakun
Hi, Su wei Ui, if the material price had lock down in the contract, that stock will keep it for the period of construction.. Why the main company need to paid it?
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Js Tan
company do not need to care about the volatility of the material price once it is locked down in the contract for the period of the construction. I got this info from my friend which work in steel industry
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Su wei Ui
Thanks for your info bro
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