Jerry Zhang's comment on FOCUS-WD. All Comments

Jerry Zhang
32 Like · Reply
早上赶去进钱再加注,2.5c 不会再常常有了的
1 Like · 1 year · translate
kahwei wong
1 Like · 1 year · translate
chin lua
This kahwei is as dumb as old hand -- again, just Googling "anything" with a credible source, and why! If you do not know how to search a fact for a counter, then your words or opinions are like an empty can -- got sounds but no content, hahaha:-)
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Like · 1 year · translate
chin lua
All these zombies (Zombie Cain, kahwei, old hand & others) have some things in common: broken written Chinese, low-IQ content, senseless insults, go banana against PA buyers, etc. It makes me wonder if they are of the same group working for the same Focus's Taiko as loan sharks, hahaha:) Well, to save you zombies the trouble, a few of us (readers here not our concerns) are going to buy PA all the way -- even after 30-to-1, and these loan sharks have no way to stop us, hehe:)
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Like · 1 year · translate
chin lua
Hello, all zombies or loan sharks, is this your work, too? Do not be shy as I would not report your names (Zombie Cain, kahwei, old hand & others) to the cops, hahaha:)
Like · 1 year · translate
chin lua
"(吉隆坡7日讯) 针对子公司 Artronic iTech 私人有限公司遭有心人士冒充在社交平台散播涉嫌欺诈的活动发布会视频, Artroniq (ARTRONIQ, 0038, 创业板工业) 已向警方报案, 以维护公司利益和声誉."
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Like · 1 year · translate
1 Like · 1 year · translate
哈哈你不懂这些常常说中文不好然后喜欢讲英文的人 他们的英文都很烂的吗?以为会一点点英文就很厉害其实他们的英文grammar vocab一大堆错误
1 Like · 1 year · translate
chin lua
Oh, here is another loan shark called Cc -- check his broken written Chinese and brainless content -- coming from the same gangster group, hahaha:)
Like · 1 year · translate
chin lua
Another pattern from this gangster group is that it is not about stocks but cyberbullying!
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chin lua
Zombie Cain is showing off his broken written Chinese, again, hahaha:) But, his level, and so far all the gang members, is below year 5 (or Grade 5) Chinese!
Like · 1 year · translate
chin lua
"敢"就是做事要果断, 可以为你开启世界的另一扇窗. 好比"敏而好学, 不耻下问", 勇敢发问, 心中的疑惑顿时解惑, 茅塞顿开; 勇敢表达想法, 表达心声, 克服内心的恐惧后, 内敛的心可以豁然开朗; 勇敢说出真相, 举报坏人的行径, 因为正义永远与你同在.
Like · 1 year · translate
chin lua
The sample above is written by a year-5 student:)
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chin lua
Focus's Taiko must hire better loan sharks; otherwise, they could end up in violence due to miscommunication, hehe:)
Like · 1 year · translate
sorry chin Lua at least I don't criticize Chinese and speak broken English like you do. anyway your English is so awful that ppl could barely understand. I think you should spend your time to improve your English instead of using Google translate
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Like · 1 year · translate
chin lua
You are not new, and should know (mentioned in my old posts) I had academic papers published on the professional journals about AI (yes, many years ago) driving a swarm of autonomous vehicles (popular now). Also, my BBA, MS & PhD (GPA 4.0/4.0) were all from the US universities. These zombies made false claims about reading my old comments, but clearly it is not about any stock but cyberbullying! Google Translate or not, your exposed written Chinese is clearly below a fifth grader, hahaha:)
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Google Translate is like a new world for the brainless zombies, but our research group had already studied the AI behind Google Translate, and deemed it not suitable for our autonomous vehicles!
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Your comments of course are shit, but some of mine have predictive power. For example, I mentioned the first non-deadly Omicron (in this thread, many months ago) is like a cold because most virus particles stay in the throat, and the recent statistics prove that!
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
The board of OpenAI (maker of ChatGPT) fired its CEO because Q-Star (a secret project) is dangerous as it thinks like humans. However, in my published papers or research group, I argued that AI cannot think like a human brain -- why? As such, I was against using Google's self-driving AI for my autonomous vehicles. I was right as Google has abandoned its self-driving car project!
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Roger Penrose, a Nobel laureate for his quantum theoretical contribution, had argued that a Turing machine (aka computer), based on formal logic, is not comparable to the human mind that can process "Godel sentences" -- hence, Q-Star has no human intelligence!
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
For Godel sentences and his proof (way back in 1931) against an AI behaving like a human read this website below.
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
I also argued against using the AI behind the ChatGPT-like algorithm (yes, not new, being around for many years) for my autonomous vehicles!
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
From the vast experience in my AI research, I can say that these zombies have little intelligence, hahaha:)
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
ChatGPT, based on neural network architecture (again, not new), amazes many people who are not familiar with any AI research. The faster chips made by TSMC coupled with its 2.5D CoWos packaging have made the neural network deeper with more precise network weights from much faster self-learning or self-trading algorithms. But, the self-learning material must come from the top-quality or professional batch; otherwise, the translation will look like the sample provided by Cc, hahaha!
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Again, the low-intelligent old hand just does not want to give up his futile cyberbullying, hahaha:)
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Just compare his written Chinese with the fifth grader -- do you feel any smarter by reading his comment?:)
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Who do you prefer? The one who studied Godel's proof or old hand, hahaha:)
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Q-Star, based on formal logic, is "smarter" than the copy-and-paste ChatGPT. However, Q-Star's mathematical symbols are still not human intelligence. Hence, the OpenAI board was ignorant when firing the CEO. One can compare Q-Star to Prolog -- a logic-based programming language.
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Like · 12 months · translate
3 Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
My friend said I wrote too deeply about the unrelated issues. But, look at old hand's one, more of the same boring cyberbullying, hahaha:) At least he definitely cannot write about professional AI issues, hehe:) Ask him to explain human consciousness in terms of quantum mechanics!
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
There are many Malays who graduated with a degree that cannot be proven academically. How do you do the hiring without the worthless degree? You can ask all applicants to write about 100 words of any bullshit issue, and you hire the ones who can explain the issue "deeply" with proper citations. Surely, old hand's writing is not qualified for any professional job, hahaha:)
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Like · 12 months · translate
2 Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Wow, old face's skin is much thicker than his old hand, hahaha:) A word of advice for those not interested in PA. Malaysia accounting belongs to the English professional world. Every single listed KLSE company publishes its quarterly or annually financial results in English, and are certified by the public auditors who passed the UK's ACCA examinations. For picking other stocks, you certainly want to listen to your auditor friends than old hand:)
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
And certainly not Zombie Cain whose written Chinese is horribly below the fifth grader, hahaha:)
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
We are still waiting for the zombies to explain our very "soul" thing -- the relationship between our consciousness and quantum mechanics. We should give the zombies a chance to prove themselves that they have some degree of intellectual abilities:)
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2 Like · 12 months · translate
Alex Wong
hahaha, until today still blow for nothing, respect focus SH
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Instead of zombies' bullshit, I might as well introduce some interesting and knowledgeable "bullshit":)
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
"The previously unreported letter and AI algorithm were key developments before the board's ouster of Altman, the poster child of generative AI, the two sources said. Prior to his triumphant return late Tuesday, more than 700 employees had threatened to quit and join backer Microsoft (MSFT.O), opens new tab in solidarity with their fired leader."
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
The staff had watched too many Terminator movies, and were not capable of examining Godel's (a titan in his field) proof that AI (limited by formal logic) is no human! The theoretical big issues and limits (except one, not AI) had been solved before a single computer was invented! Altman plus three of his loyalists have returned to the board.
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
"The key property these numbers possess is that any natural number can be obtained by starting with the number 0 and adding 1 a finite number of times."
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
All chips are simply an adder (1+1=2, proven) -- a multiplier is a short-cut of an adder. As such, they all fall under Godel's proof. At the heart of a computer, it is preordain not to excel in human intelligence!
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
"The main reason that it takes so long to get to 1+1=2 is that Principia Mathematica starts from almost nothing, and works its way up in very tiny, incremental steps. The work of G. Peano shows that it's not hard to produce a useful set of axioms that can prove 1+1=2 much more easily than Whitehead and Russell do."
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Wikipedia articles cannot be cited in an academic paper, but it is a good source to introduce a general summary of a topic.
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
The updated essential "facts" (gross profit/margin, The Arch & TRX) were given. The rest are bullshit:)
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
After your auditor friend (an investor or not) provided the facts about a stock, do you blame your friend for your decisions?
Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Why the scholarly AI "bullshit" were written here? Because Cc claimed that I know no English and certainly could not be the author of the mentioned papers, hahaha:) You need no English as your translations will reveal the extent of my AI knowledge. Perhaps none of your Chinese-speaking friends can comprehend the content as we were at the frontier of AI research! Perhaps next time I could tell what happened to my swarms of autonomous vehicles. Do Ukraine's unmanned surface drones have my AI?
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Like · 12 months · translate
chin lua
Focus-WD (not PA), which cannot be converted (upon expiry) to mothers automatically, have long been advised not to buy! The warrants still have 19 months, not 12 months (one year). We also do not worry about mothers as they never get to 0.5¢. Even if they do, the sharks could dilute your ownership by rights-issue exercise.
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Like · 10 months · translate
chin lua
"Ant International, a digital payment and financial technology provider affiliated with Ant Group, has announced that it will establish a new Digital Business Centre in Malaysia. The Digital Business Centre will be located at Exchange 106 in Tun Razak Exchange (TRX). Ant International is expected to move in by 2025 and it will create more than 500 new job opportunities in the first year with more hirings in the subsequent years until 2028."
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Like · 10 months · translate
chin lua
More nearby rich clients for the ARCH and TREC, KL's "Lang Kwai Fong":)
Like · 10 months · translate
chin lua
"According to well-placed sources, the regulator kicked off the investigations following complaints and tip-offs from the public on alleged fraud, as well as potential false or misleading disclosure by several public-listed companies in their fund-raising exercises, including private placements, employees share option schemes and rights issues. It is learnt that the raids were conducted around the Tropicana area in Petaling Jaya."
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Like · 10 months · translate
chin lua
Tropicana is the headoffice of Fintec's related companies. So, Focus "may" not declare a 30-to-1 consolidation:)
Like · 10 months · translate
chin lua
Very wicked as the gross-profit percentage is 60% for 2024 Q1 -- "21" quarters of at least 50% "consecutively or repeatedly" since 2019! That is, not a single loss quarter during those years -- either it is an incredible golden goose or accounting fraud, which is very unlikely for reporting the similar high percentages! I have been accruing the vast majority of the PA since March 20, and Zombies here could not stop me, haha:)
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Like · 9 months · translate
chin lua
Right now, no one (except my friend) is competing for the 0.5¢ PA as all have been giving up hope, but a golden opportunity for me and my friend, whose 500,000 buy units are still not yet fulfilled, hehe:)
Like · 9 months · translate
chin lua
The "Other Operating Expenses" is RM15.7M, yet no new brands or outlets were launched -- meaning the money was mostly spent on The Arch, whose construction cost was completely spent, leaving only about RM10M for the renovation.
Like · 9 months · translate
chin lua
Just like the trends for the past 22 quarters, both revenues and gross margin percentages (61.4% for 2024 Q2) are similar or stable -- like it or not, zombies, haha:) No need to convince anyone here as my friend and I were basically the "sole buyers" of 0.5¢ PA since the end of last year until a few weeks ago when large 0.5¢ dumpings had stopped!
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Like · 6 months · translate
chin lua
It took around 1.5 years to drop to 0.5¢, yet we cannot achieve our targeted proportions of PA despite 2-3 years of accumulating! Believe it or not, we are now considering the 1.5¢ mothers to increase our stakes -- that is, I was not joking about your "disposable income"!
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Like · 6 months · translate
chin lua
As for The Arch next to TREC and opposite to TRX, RM96.97M from the set-aside RM112.44M fund had been spent. That is, the 5-storey building was done as of June 2024 -- RM15.47M renovations and working capital would be spent within three months thereafter.
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Like · 6 months · translate
chin lua
There are 32 curated lots in the building, and not all will be used for Focus's F&B brands. As Focus owns 75% of the building, it will earn a substantial rental income (aside from its F&B business) since the building is opposite to popular TRX, which will have high-income bankers (e.g., HSBC) and digital workers (e.g., Ants International)!
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Like · 6 months · translate
chin lua
Who are the customers of Focus's F&B brands -- certainly not poor people:) Just watch the spectacular wine tower in Annabell KL!
Like · 6 months · translate
chin lua
The 1.5¢ mothers mentioned previously are no more, so my friend and I were buying the 0.5¢ PA recently. But, no more zombies are willing to throw their PA. Hello zombies, could you ask your bosses, the big sharks, to throw their PA shares for our 3,000,000 PA (0.5¢) quques now?
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Like · 4 months · translate
chin lua
My friend and I have gathered most of the available 0.5¢ PA from the past two years. Now, you can see how long it would take to collect the cheapest PA -- patience is a virtue!
Like · 4 months · translate
chin lua
We might not be able to collect so many if the available period was short.
Like · 4 months · translate
chin lua
I am not bragging, the mothers have appreciated 66% firmly at 2.5¢!
Like · 4 months · translate
chin lua
It would be dumb to sell the mothers at 2.5¢ as the previous peak was 87¢ without The Arch next to the now promising TRX zone.
Like · 4 months · translate
chin lua
Hello, Zombie K., please ask your shark boss to throw all his PA, and do not BS as I want to buy very "BADLY," hahaha. Do not waste your breath here as no one has been buying 0.5¢ PA except my friend and me since last year until now. But, 0.5¢ PA are very, very difficult to buy especially mothers have been appreciated 66% -- thank you first, and we, of course, as the only "big" buyers, will not be persuaded by you:) Or 1.5¢ mothers are OK as your bosses were obviously pushing them up to 2.5¢!
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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
PS: for those here who hold a large amount of PA but need emergency money or are losing confidence, I promise to buy many 0.5¢ PA. Unlike Zombie K., I ask you to think twice!
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
You make your free-will decision, not Zombie K.'s!
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
There is one buyer who holds 14% of PA. He bought them since the issuing date, including the peak-13¢ period, but very few 0.5¢ PA -- hence, high average cost. However, my friend and I are the only major buyers of 0.5¢ PA, and the buying process, despite 2-3 years, is not done yet as we still do not have enough 0.5¢ PA -- believe it or not! By the way, this is the long process on how to buy a large amount of 0.5¢ PA patiently, especially mothers are earning big money every quarter since 2019!
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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
I cannot see Zombie K.'s BS, sarcastic comment now -- why? His shark boss does not even own a share of PA or what, hahaha:) He must be very, very pissed as we still have money to amass as many 0.5¢ PA as possible:)
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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
Hello, Zombie K., the gross profit margin for 2024 Q3 is 0.62 (or 62%) -- consistently following a high-margin trend since 2019:) But, you cannot buy any large amount of PA since you and your shark boss, during the past two years, did not accumulate a large amount of 0.5¢ PA, hahaha:)
PS: not even WW3 can lower our 0.5¢ PA, hehe!
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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
If your shark bosses decided to smash both mothers and daughters down to 1.5¢ and 0.5¢, respectively, our cash is ready, hahaha:)
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
I made a profit from Genting Malaysia or Genting during MCO by utilizing the predictive power of science about the outcome of COVID-19. However, sciences cannot predict WW3, but possibly "Tui Bei Tu" -- an ancient prophetic book authored by two psychics from the beginning of the Tang dynasty!
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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
The zombies here criticized I know no Chinese. Now, let me decipher this "classical Chinese literature" -- stay tuned:)
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
TBT's ("Tui Bei Tu," "推背圖") 46th prophetic poem has predicted Xi Jinping's last and middle names ("習" & "平"), and his actual power status (as "公," not "帝," "皇," or "王") -- believe it or not!
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
The Chinese character puzzles are similar to the 3rd prophecy, which predicted the exact title/name of the first Chinese empress of the Tang dynasty:

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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
The 1st phrase gives "日月空=曌," her official title. The 4th phrase contains "武," her last lame. So, the full title is "武曌." The 2nd phrase has "照," her maiden name!
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
FYI: "曌" was specifically created by the empress to mean just "照," her maiden name.
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
Utilizing similar character-puzzle patterns, TBT's 46th prophecy predicted Xi's last (白頭翁=習公) or middle (一人弓=夷=平) name, and his lordship ("公," not "帝," "皇," or "王") -- meaning no absolute power like Kim Jong Un. The first two phrases simply mean "習平公":

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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
The 46th prophecy will predict the demise of Xi.
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
How accurate? Look at the real events that upset Lord Xi ("習公"): releasing COVID-19 in 2019 backfiring at him, failing many economic and foreign policies, weakening the PLA's support recently, etc. Biden said that you do not want to be Xi!
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
The last two phrases are everybody's guess. But, the 3rd phrase's key characters "金劍," a magical Chinese sword (like Excalibur) controlling ancient Chinese sea monsters, may give you a clue -- could the psychics foresee the strange US submarines as sea monsters? Also, the South China Sea is east of China. If TBT is against Xi, the deeply allied Putin would not be blessed!
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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
The official announcement of firing Miao Hua ("苗華"), a powerful rival to Zhang Youxia ("張又俠," "俠"="勇士"), who is a rival to Xi's power, is part of the fulfillment of one of Xi's two enemies -- "勇士後門入帝宮"!

Also, the external enemy of Xi -- "東邊門裡伏金劍," referring to the US Navy -- will be strengthened under Trump!
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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
Why does Xi have to go? The prologue of the prophecy says this:

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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
If Lord Xi's (習公, aka 白頭翁) reign is not checked, many Chinese will die (萬人不死, 一人難逃), and cause a darkest moment (黯黯陰霾, 殺不用刀) for China and its people.
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
Due to Xi (the slayer of the CCP monster), China is in deep trouble now, both in internal economic crisis and external military conflict against the West, especially the USA. However, I think the darkest moment has not yet come, probably 1-3 years away.

If Xi goes, China will most likely end up with a non-united country -- that is, fracturing into several states than one China -- so, likely no WW3:)
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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
Interestingly, the deciphering can only be done by classical (aka traditional), not simplified Chinese as the authors are ancient Chinese!
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chin lua
For example, the "白頭翁" puzzle requires "習" (classical or traditional), not 习 (simplified)!
Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
Still do not know how to get "習公" from "白頭翁"?

"白頭翁" mean to put "翁" above "白" and combine "習公" from the bottom up like this:

Since Chinese characters are squares, it is not grammatically incorrect to read them from the bottom (though strange) and up! Now, how is my classical Chinese, so far?
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Like · 3 months · translate
chin lua
So boring, 2024 Q4 yet (at least since 2019) have another high gross-margin quarter -- 60%! in comparison, the big-hyped Oriental Kopi has only a gross-margin of about 0.25 or 25%. We also get bored for buying the too-few 0.5¢ PA -- we are the only two major buyers recently. If you could not wait, throw your PA at us while we are buying the 1.5¢ mothers:)
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Like · 1 week · translate
chin lua
Meanwhile, I bought some RM1.90 Genting Malaysia today just to pass time, haha:)
Like · 1 week · translate
chin lua
The Oversea Restaurant Assistant General Manager was excited about the "grand" dining experience of an upcoming "grand" branch at The Arch.
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chin lua
"On a grander scale, the Group also intends to launch an exciting project in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.
'We have a lifestyle and entertainment hub that is opening in Jalan Tun Razak, it’s called The Arch KL,' she announced.
This will be a grand F&B dining experience right across from TRX, Brenda explained."
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Like · 1 week · translate
chin lua
Tay Ben Seng, Focus's CEO, is the only working executive director for Oversea and Green Ocean.

After The Arch project, Focus may acquire Oversea since its biggest owner is dead.
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chin lua
"(ii) leverage on its existing F&B outlets, namely 'Chaze,' 'LAVO,' 'Bounce,' 'Lavo
Gallery,' 'Finch,' 'Diao Yu Tai,' ‘The Lemon Tree,' 'Spark Club KL,' 'Sushi Mew,'
'Sushi Qubey,' 'Ferria,' 'Alva,' 'Annabell,' 'Zest Cocktail Bar,' 'L1 Club KL' and
'Miss J Cafe and Buffet' to further expand its F&B business including amongst
others, opening of additional outlets or launching new F&B brands."
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Like · 1 week · translate
chin lua
'Zest Cocktail Bar,' 'L1 Club KL' and
'Miss J Cafe and Buffet' are new F&B brands opened in the quarter.
Like · 1 week · translate
chin lua
L1 Club is next to Spark Club in TREC -- another outlet for young people to consume Focus's alcohol offerings:)
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