Edmund Lai's comment on JAYCORP. All Comments

Edmund Lai
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sky rocket soon.. everyone sit back fasten seat belt and enjoy the flight.
Bryan Teng
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Alvin Tay
明天公布 Q2 result
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Charlie Cha
已经公布了Q2业绩派息5sen, 盈利对比年度同个季度上升88%, 所以不怪的covid坏消息出来也照升
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Gg la , this QR report.....
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Edmund Lai
recent 2 qr net profit hit 10mil.. wat do u expect? never happen in the past my friend.
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Charlie Cha
Gg your head lah, if not shortage of containers it could be better
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Kho Lianshan
Wow good qr.. Yoy 88% growth... Dividend higher that last year. Top up some Tomorrow...
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Kok Hoe Yong
if got announcement bonus issue lagi best.
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Kho Lianshan
2 qr profit already more that last year whole year.
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YH Yong
pugs, actually is YoY up 88%, not QoQ, QoQ is dropping. by the way FY 2021 Q1+Q2 PAT already more than FY2020. Consider very Good result to me.
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Kho Lianshan
Sorry typo. Thanks @yong
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YH Yong
Kok Hoe Yong, company keep on SBB dont know for what purpose. we just wait for it. Hope got good news for shareholders.
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Charlie Cha
sbb has no harm to share holders, only used rm0.5mil to buy back 341k lots, 百利而无一害 或者 影响不大。
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Edmund Lai
wait for it guys... something good is coming on the way. meanwhile enjoy collecting dividend 1st.
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YH Yong
Charlie Cha, 这个股在市场流通的股量已经不多了。哈哈,公司还一直买回自家股票。肯定有他的原因。我不反对老板SBB. 但是如果他们能advise 是做什么用途的话,更好啦。
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Kho Lianshan
Tolong 千万, 不要私有化。
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YH Yong
Good Luck to all shareholders, including myself. Hope 2nd Half Q3, Q4 YoY, QoQ is Up Up Up.. since MCO lifted.
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Charlie Cha
Yong, 公司买回自家票只有对股东有好处,因为带出的讯息是管理层照顾股东利益,股票流通量少才会间接造成股价上升,公司大量卖票造成股价下跌其实才是大家要担心的事,对吗?
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YH Yong
Charlie, 对,所以我赞成Sbb。但是我有去读了读季报。公司今年的前景prospect很challenging. 1) MCO, 2) Shortage of Workers 3) Shortage of containers for Import Raw Materials and Export Finished goods 等等的。。 希望下半年的季度会维持着上半年的成绩已经算不错了。那FPE 就能大大的降低下去。
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Charlie Cha
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Kim Jun
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