Yong Lee Meng's comment on KANGER. All Comments

Yong Lee Meng
8 Like · Reply
*Report by The New York Times on Feb 5, 2021.*

*In the safety ranking, the top four are all Chinese vaccines:*

*1. Sinopharm (China)*
*2. Sinopharm (China)*
*3. Kexing (China)*
*4. Can Sino (China)*
*5. AstraZeneca (UK)*
*6. Pfizer (US and Germany)*
*7. Modena (US)*
*8. Johnson & Johnson (US)*
*9. Novavax (US)*
*10. Satellite 5 (Russia)*

*Sinopharm has two vaccines, ranking first and second respectively.*

*China has exported more than 500 million doses of vaccines to more than 50 countries around the world, and it is estimated that hundreds of millions of people have been vaccinated. And China's vaccine accident rate is lower and safer.*

*As reported by Western media, many wealthy people in Britain fly to the UAE to vaccinate Chinese national medicine.*

*《纽约时报》 2021年2月5日的报道*


* 1。国药(中国)*
* 2。国药(中国)*
* 3。克星(中国)*
* 4。信诺(中国)*
* 5。阿斯利康(英国)*
* 6。辉瑞(美国和德国)*
* 7。摩德纳(美国)*
* 8。强生(美国)*
* 9。 Novavax(美国)*
* 10。卫星5(俄罗斯)*

* Sinopharm有两种疫苗,分别排名第一和第二。*


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Pow Kin Lim
Tomorrow hoot 9 e kaw-kaw.... Sinopharm is coming to town...anyone believe it??bloooodddyyyy con counter!!! Hahaha
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Teck Teng Tan
這個 counter 是個無底洞。不管有什麼好消息,就是跌
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Mason Ang
@Teck 之前不是说Directors 卖票是为了控制公司? 笑死人,现在又反方向了? 哈哈哈。。。没事原则的人
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Chiang Chye Eng
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