Wayne Teoh's comment on SCGM. All Comments

Wayne Teoh
2 Like · Reply
Sp2u, 来讲几句话, Teacher LM and Dr :D
Shawn Hao
上次他说 below 3可以进了。现在在1.9 hahah
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Zhi Hao
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Ray Chong
this coming AGM will attend and give the directors some hard times.
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Lol what directors did wrong. Business still growing, just the stock price up to fast. Price value by market, director cannot control the price up and down
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As the company able to deliver good result, then not the company management fault as the share price slump.
Therefore, don't judge the company management by share price. The company can't control share price.
Don't simply hard to them.
2 Like · 3 years · translate
Bursa Poker
1.64 also will break... let see..
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