Jensen Lam's comment on CAPITALA. All Comments

Jensen Lam
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Real truth and dont just be blinded by surface numbers:

Revenue increased sharply to RM3.14 billion from RM2.62 billion previously. Strong growth in revenue was driven by an 18 per cent year-on-year (y-o-y) increase in passengers carried to 12.8 million.

Revenue per available seat kilometre (RASK) grew by four per cent to 15.40 sen in Q2, driven by firm demand, with load factor remaining strong at 85 per cent despite a substantial 17 per cent increase in available seat kilometres (ASK).

Ancillary revenue also grew by 39 per cent y-o-y, recorded at RM687 million for the consolidated group, driven by both traditional airline ancillary and non-airline ancillary streams

EBITDA decreased only nine per cent y-o-y to RM473 million in the quarter under review, primarily due to share of prior years’ losses at AirAsia India that was previously not recognised amounting to RM147 million.

It was also due to the additional cost related to building up RedBeat Ventures entities, 105 per cent higher maintenance and overhaul expenses on the back of higher maintenance provisions of approximately RM160 million following a higher number of leased aircraft due to the recent aircraft monetisation exercise, and RM10 million fine from the competition watchdog.
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