Jayden Chu's comment on KANGER. All Comments

Jayden Chu
3 Like · Reply
The vaccine deal is still ON!!! And Kanger is waiting for the allocation from Sinopharm!!! This is the confirmation reply from Mr. Wu... Somebody wrote him a letter and received a reply from him!!
hijaz hasshim
don't make joke at this time Jayden. people suffering now because of Kanger
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safiq mohammad
Jayden please give a letter proof
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Jayden Chu
Go telegrm for this info... No joke! I m also suffering...
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Jayden Chu
Kanger Telgram group....
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tsl 340
jayden.... can copy and paste here
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hijaz hasshim
I joined already kanger telegraxx. No news Jayden
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hijaz hasshim
you think Mr Wu stupid. if kanger got clearance already Mr Wu will buy Kanger first because he is inside the company
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Kanger no chance to sell vaccine in Malaysia but this is goreng counter, so still got hope, wait for big boss needs money then they will goreng.
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Kim Ming Lau
do you know what is
big frog jump in street??
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Teck Teng Tan
Hi Jayden, do u know the simebody you mentioned about ?
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Irfan Sazali
how to join telegxx group
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Teck Teng Tan
i just doubt why Mr. Wu sold his shares twice in big volume
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Kim Ming Lau
Mr Wu just call me....
ask me to all in this counter
will up above 500%
put money take money...
siapa cepat dia dapat
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safiq mohammad
walao call u haa... give me his number
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Kim Ming Lau

jayden said he know mr Wu
I also... hahahah
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safiq mohammad
Mr Wu got a lot of time to reply fax ya... hahaha can you ask when Kanger Glove Factory opening?
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Teck Teng Tan
guy, may be Jayden heard this from someone. so he share with us. dont kacau him lah
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Teck Teng Tan
when kanger will open glove factory. mr. wu will most probably said i already sold my shares, u guy wait long long
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dun forget there is still a competitor called gi healthcare resources sb frm lyl group to distribute sinopharm vaccines
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gi healthcare r sb is the one who sponsored 10k doses to kkm for 3rd phase clinical trial in msia
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Jayden Chu
hijaz, first, i have a very bad cough, flu and gastric pain, no time and mood to joke! i am also suffering because of Kanger. When i got this real and positive info, i tried to share the good news to you guys.. but if you guys want to see it negatively, what can i do? i just came home from hospital, that is why replying late.
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Teck Teng Tan
Jayden, please take a good care of yourself
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Jayden Chu
Safiq, can you teach me how to attach a letter here???
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Teck Teng Tan
Alibili, good news. those under government deal have no chance to sell to private i think. sinopharm is not under government list, then can import and sell to peivate. good news
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Jayden Chu
Teck, somebody in the Tel*gram group had emailed Mr. Wu, and surprisingly received a reply to confirm that they are waiting for the allocation of vaccines from Sinopharm... You go join the group and you can search by yourself...
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Teck Teng Tan
Jayden, thank you for sharing. appreciate that a lot
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Jayden Chu
Irfan, search Kanger and you will see it...
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Jayden Chu
Kim Ming, when did i say i know Mr. Wu?? Are you an idiot or something??
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my concern is who r the ones who took up the rm70m pp...bursa announcement said will be identified later but till now no news...
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Jayden Chu
ALIBILI, that is a very good news! Meaning Kanger can sell to private hospitals! This is something other vaccine counters cannot do. And the vaccines from other counters, the govrnmnt will purchase directly, meaning, the end for other vaccine counters EXCEPT Kanger!
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tek jayden...yes...kanger not doing f&f so sinopharm not in government purchase list is good news
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the other aspect tht drives me to buy this counter is our chairman....and ge coming....so.....
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Guys, can you ask Mr Wu to change their company logo? Its not suitable for vaccine biz. How they want to submit their biz of hc, while looking the logo of bamboo.
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Teck Teng Tan
Alibill,who is the chairman u are referring to ?
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nur jazlan mohamed
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Tet Wah Law
hard sell ,we help 楼主 to buy kanger。top up kanger。
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Soleh Ahmad
Jayden why u never sold this counter? I see you hold quite long already.
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Jayden Chu
Soleh, I don't want to sell at a loss....
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Jayden ..Should I hold? I stay at 18th floor
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Jayden Chu
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Jsheng Zhang
You should buy now for average. If you believe it will come back your 0.18 price level
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Chong Wan Go Chong
jsheng if want up 0.18,see hwgb and bintai together with fly
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