Janelle Ng's comment on ASIAPLY. All Comments

Janelle Ng
15 Like · Reply
今天0.38 入场点,捉技术反弹,短线操作,短期目标价0.45-0.50。
止损点: 0.345


Asia Poly HB is manufacturing acrylic screen dividers, which is to help maintain social distancing and physical separation intended for offices and public spaces, the demand is so huge that now contribute 50% of the sales.

The company is also benefitting from the ongoing US-China trade war.
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Mun Ling
哇。真的升兩個bid. 昨天close 0.375. 今天close 0.385.
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Janelle Ng
Mum Ling, 这么准 :)
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Weikang Kreuz
any news ?
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Mun Ling
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Mun Ling
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Vincent Seng Chung Liang
be patient, nx month fly.
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我还在等3.60的support line。
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Janelle Ng
这种趋势,不上不下,区域来回游走而已,我在0.39 先出了,0.365有机会我就进回来
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Janelle Ng
明天我要到vivo 去捉反弹,今天跌到limit down 够力了
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Wade Loh
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Janelle Ng
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vivo 抓反弹可以,可是一定跌回。今天股市有够奇怪,全部计划起的翻船。asiapoly 是其中一个。
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Janelle Ng
有时间盯盘才fifo, 忙的时候vivo这种股不能玩
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MadLife Momo
shhhhhh 这里人少 不要太大声
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Janelle Ng
我捞了,出了,亏250块,哈哈 快快跑人
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这种仙股。两天连续limit down给妳够够力。
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Janelle Ng
够力够力,玩这种股要很alert, 哈哈哈
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game over le.
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sohzai soh
we will know soon
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Vincent Seng Chung Liang
nx month fly la, jz b patient
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Janelle Ng
Vivocom and Kstar gg.com
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sohzai soh
hahhahahahha vivo con man la.. if u know some operator u will know their story.. good luck to those who hoot vivo...
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Janelle Ng
Confirm fake rebound? If yes then better set a cut loss point or wait go up a bit then run
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Mohd Asrul
Did the company announced its QR result?
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sohzai soh
hahahha hkc
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Janelle Ng
Asrul, fyi latest Q3/2020 just announced on 28/10/20. Good result, improved PAT
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Janelle Ng
QR result goes up but share price goes down. New normal of KLSE shares :)
If break support 0.345, next support gonna be 0.31 ?
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Jun Jun
dabao...cut or keep?
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keep..soon it will up
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Jack Sparrow
Janelle, u still hold on this counter?
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Will gg counter..
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sohzai soh
you guys pls sell.. im waiting this moment for very long!! hahahahahaha
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Elroy Leong
Masih ada harap ka counter ini?betul betul hkc counter......
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wht is ur Ep?
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Janelle Ng
Jack, I sold at my cost. no earnings
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Ahmad Farhan Mohd Kezam
Drop due to warrant conversion i think. Once finish this exercise might going north.See EG
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Mohd Asrul
My EP. 0.41. Still keeping this because believe in the business and prospect..
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Mun Ling
I CL today .
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Janelle Ng
The business is good. The fortune....I wondering if covid-19 pandemic going to settle down then their product's demand is going to decrease too?
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Janelle Ng
Cast acrylic sheet manufacturer Asia Poly Holdings Bhd has benefited from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since the coronavirus outbreak early this year, the group has been producing acrylic screen dividers, also known as anti-Covid-19 barriers.

The demand for this barrier, which is to help maintain social distancing and physical separation intended for offices and public spaces, is so huge that now contribute 50% of the revenue.
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Janelle Ng
Acrylic barriers made up about half of the turnover, with the rest coming from various segments, including sanitary, furniture, kitchen, advertising and automotive.

Asia Poly is the largest producer of cast acrylic sheet in Malaysia, and commands a market share of 50% to 60%. However, the Malaysian market only contributes about 17% to its sales.

CEO Dato Yeo foresee that the US will make up 25% of sales and Europe will contribute 20% by 1QFY2021.
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Janelle Ng
Apart from the Covid-19 factor, Yeo says the company is also benefitting from the ongoing US-China trade war.

Previously, the Americans had been sourcing acrylic sheets from China. But due to the tariff imposed on Chinese goods, it makes better sense for them to source it from Malaysia.
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Janelle Ng
Notably, its cast acrylic sheet is manufactured from 100% virgin methyl methacrylate monomer (MMA), sourced exclusively from Japanese suppliers.

Yeo explains that over the past few years, the price of MMA — essentially a by-product of petroleum — trended to as much as US$2,750 per mt (in 2018) but has since come down to US$1,300 to US$1,400 per mt.
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Janelle Ng
Yeo says Asia Poly’s competitive advantage is that it is capable of producing thicker acrylic sheets that can be used for aquarium and swimming pools. Moreover, it can also produce high-end acrylic sheets for medical use, where the clarity requirement is more stringent.

The company is now running at full capacity of 800 mt per month, and will invest RM12.6 million to double its total production capacity to 1,600 mt per month.
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Janelle Ng
What I can say is it's cheap but not undervalued now. Haha...buy at a price that you yourself feel comfortable. I'm waiting.
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Nick Chung
resin price Naik lo, jaga sikit lo
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Janelle Ng
E T, I'm still thinking , haven't decide yet
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its up up up..lol
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i told u ...it will up soon
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sohzai soh
haha this hkc up one day down 4days.. the boss busy fry other counter laaa
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Vincent Seng Chung Liang
be patient, anytime this month will fly, now still low got bullet can avg down. sohzai pls wait us avg last round, dont so fast push first
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sohzai soh
hahaha tigerball wanna sell down later.. wait ar haha
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Janelle Ng
waiting 0.33-0.335 , let me in
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Janelle Ng
Go see Kstar can entry between 0.28-0.30? Technical play also.
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Janelle Ng
个人看法,asiaply再下个支撑点是0.31 ,跌破0.31, 0.305 要跑。 0.285 才考虑进回。这个股暂时是没什么趋势了,没有大庄推,近来的量也不多,只有量来了才有可能暴涨。虽然基本面蛮不错,估计就算疫苗出来人类依然与病毒存在,世界还是需要依照sop, 需要这种acrylic sheet 做社交距离。可是现在马股有奇怪的现象,越烂的股反而越涨,甚至接近涨停板, 哈哈。这个股基本面不够烂所以。。。怎样了 哈哈? 其实ET 你也可以考虑到其他个股赚钱,近来热门是钢铁股,油气股,还有疫苗股。presbhd 可以去看看,自己找支撑点切入
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Vincent Seng Chung Liang
be patient, will fly anytime.
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ys wesly
350买一点点 陪你们住套房
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Jun Jun
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我0.49 不是更不开
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Jun Jun
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Janelle Ng
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wymen hoh
hold or cut lose ?
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what is ur EP?
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Elly Wong
The maturity date of the warrant is 13 Dec, so i think it won't up till the warrant end.
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wymen hoh
my ep 0.385
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if you ask me u can hold if u want or u can CL if u dont mind ur lost...the strong support will 0.32....it will nvr go below 0.32 i believe ...donoo when it will rebound..but sure it wil rebound soon till above 0.385. if u can hold ..u hold je. n meantime play other counter if hv money ..hehe
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wymen hoh
ok thanks for explain
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ys wesly
真的跌wor....唉 没办法 住着先吧
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Vincent Seng Chung Liang
tawin show not over, wait finish goreng shark will come asiaply.
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ys wesly
庄家丢票了 还会继续大跌
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Kelvin Tan
operator 吓你们 跑咯 才傻仔
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pls rebound it . praying..lol
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Mr Green
This Janelle already cut loss. :(
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ys wesly
照这个样子 明天会跌破0.3的...
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Kelvin Tan
应该会 收市应该0.390
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William Gui
wait 30c again
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Chiang Chye Eng
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0.320 is strong support..i didnt cl..i believe it will rebound...this juz my opinion..its not for other to must follow my opinion...its up to u.
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Janelle Ng
wait for rebound signal only come in again.
S1: 0.315
S2: 0.285
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Kuah Chek Pin
signal to rebound...... hold tight
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Chiang Chye Eng
janelle, you CL??????
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Janelle Ng
Chiang, I enter 2 times, 1 CL and 1 sell at cost
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Chiang Chye Eng
Noted. Trade with dicipline. Me myself regret to early take profit on ioipg.....
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Janelle Ng
Got profit to take consider good. Next round ba
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Chiang Chye Eng
today drop with huge volumn. This week break below 0.30 and no return can gg.
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Va Home
CL faster no hope any more
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lol...see u tmrw...it will up like hell soon
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sohzai soh
haha hell soon haha
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haha...the bitch Operators make it bottom hell..if not sure tdy will fly...its soo it will fly..i m waiting for tht
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Mun Ling
這個count er恐怖。每天掉。幸好一早 CL 了
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Chiang Chye Eng
Mun Ling, 恭喜你加入CL一员。
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Mun Ling
我應該是12月頭 CL的。11頭買。一直掉。
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Chiang Chye Eng
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Chiang Chye Eng
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