JLK Forever's comment on TOPGLOV. All Comments

JLK Forever
11 Like · Reply
vaccine is now tested in wuhan and Beijing. very soon human kind will be saved. third phase passed!
See, told u dont understand many times alr
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Jlk, i think u dun have health common sense. Is about hygiene, u dun chg glove the virus will spread to another person. GL was right, they r chances u will get HIV if u dun chg. Whose fault by then? Pls dun come to health counter n weigh the news when u djn have common sense
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I assume u r god damn right, vaccine is here soon, by this year end. Ok fine. Still, b4 vaccine is here, glove profit is still high. By dec their qr still gonna be good pe still gonna dilute. So wats the prob? Is not like vaccine coming out tmr. U already cheated me for 2 months say vaccine will be here soon
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JLK Forever
KS HIV spread through needle. haha.
as I mentioned , there's no necessary need for changing glove unless you're treating confirmed cases. vaccine are given to healthy people or public.
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Ooo so nurse hand/glove wont touch the blood/needle? Then no chance to spread? Oooo. Wat common sense u have? Btw u say covid 7788? Today 586 cases. Selangor 150. I guess u spread it since u think 7789 d, safe to go here n thr
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Anyway, vaccine yet to produce. This is facts. Glove still making money. This is also facts. I assume u r right vaccine out glove demand drop (i assume only ah i din agree). But when? Apr 2021? By that time only sell la. Now keep 1st. Dec qr release pe gonna dilute. This is facts
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Kui Seong
oi jlk today Selangor +150 lerh. previously u said msia not serious at public only jail. all these 150 is also jail ah?
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JLK Forever
CMCO already. relax. kui seong

KS apply alcohol first before inject. cotton stop bleeding. use sanitiser each patient after done. what's so risky?
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JLK Forever
KS too crowded glove players. who want to stuck at penthouse be my guest haha
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Mickey Minnie
Haiya. No need prove who right wrong. Let time and share price prove itself.
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Mickey Minnie
JLK why u only share topglov counter? If u truly do not want ppl to stuck at penthouse u should also comment your so called ‘news’ at supermx kossan harta etc counters.
1 Like · 4 years · translate
Jlk okok u r right. 1 pair of glove enough. Ok. But then. B4 vaccine is here, glove still selling. This is facts. U say vaccine year end only approved? So next year only mass production, that also for china. So... Before that, glove still got demand. Simple. At least 1 year
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Mickey minnie, he dun spam. He say b4. He weigh the news while others, like us dun. But the thing is vsccine is here soon, is rumors not news. He duno he is spreading rumors, not news. He even say sabah come back no need to quarantine. This is rumors. He duno. No common sense.
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Tedious K
French already confirmed lockdown on major cities. UK going to follow soon
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Ted king. U und or not? Jlk say covid 7788 already. Vaccine is here soon. Weigh the news pls. But i think wat he say is spread rumors la.
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Tedious K
Vaccine is not confirmed. Trump a liar. Top glove will be a hot demand . Vaccine is on the way but when? Nobody knows the answer
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Bursa God Father
You get for your self first.
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Ted king, right. Glove making money this quarter next quarter, is facts. He say vaccine is here soon since 2 months ago. My family member were so excited back then. Then only i knw i cheated by jlk forever. Now he say news say vaccine here soon by year end. When only mass produce? He say cant tell me. He knw some insider news that will surprise all of us. I laughed for 2 days d still cant stop laughing
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
Mickey Minnie
KS, the problem is he is not accepting our replies. He said he is neutral but the way he reply shows his arrogance and ignorance. Can just ignore him. Let the share price slap his face. He talk so much in the end also want sapu at rm7. Lets see he will have chance or not lo hahahah
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Khairul Yazid
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Bursa God Father
Hahaha always base on fact and result, case keep on increasing, rushing to build up vaccine, malaysia try to get contract from china vaccine that not approved by fda yet.

15 years History of pandemic and epidemic, china always bring new virus, Europe country always build up vaccine.

In Malaysia We never use medicine from china company,if this happen, it will be malaysia first time histroy using medicine from china.
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Khairul Yazid
We’ve been living with HIV for years and it has killed over 32 million people now. Still human haven’t found a vaccine on it. Common cold kills thousands of people every year in the US alone and we still have no vaccine on them because it mutates very rapidly. Go google the incident of Dengvaxia where a few thousand children in Philippines got vaccinated for dengue and more than 800 died of it. Searching for vaccine used to be very difficult in the past. What makes everyone think and feel so confident that this covid won’t mutate as rapidly and why do we risk vaccinating billions of healthy people with very short research on this? I just smell something scary that will happen out of this but who knows. I might be wrong. I also wish we get vaccine soon so there’ll be more counters that will double my investment. The question is how certain are we that the vaccine is gonna be safe and if it is really it will be so soon? Read history some more and you can’t help but feeling scared a bit.
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
Kui Seong
what ? I'm very relax. I'm just questioning u why you said all the cases is from jail. so can you clarify for me whether this 150 cases is those prisoner broke out from jail ah?
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Eddy A
vaccine is still very much a question mark. But as time goes by human will eventually develop immune system against covid-19. Just a matter of time. For the time being I strongly believed the upside is still great for glove counter.
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wenkiet ong
Anwar Naushad Are you sure that Malaysia never used drugs from China?

Here’s what I found, China is, or at least used to be, one of the major import destination of pharmaceutical products. In 2016 RM 822 mil pharmaceutical products were imported from China, which including provitamins, vaccines, medicament mixtures and etc. (Ref: MITI, Malaysia, https://www.miti.gov.my/miti/resources/13._Pharmaceutical_Industry_.pdf )

I really wondered if the Malaysia that you know and that I know is the same?
“Always based on fact”...? LOL.
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
normal malay mindset in tis country :-) ...as infront always say reject china policy...but when come to facts as china is the strong reputation country in the world in technology & economy wise...., all major stocks & technology & funding still need to seek for china assisstance as usual....tis also happen in malaysia goverment which seeking china funding in economy & assistance in technology...but still want to always say BALIK CHINA lah in political propaganda...wat a shame :-)
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Khairul Yazid
Chill bruh. Nobody is trying to be racist here. He got his fact wrong and he needs to get his fact checked. People here are arguing with jlk. Anything racist is not appreciated. We have been happily discussing about vaccine and stock price. Chill. No need to stereotype malay mindset or whatsoever. Let’s talk like grown ups and keep klse for stocks discussion shall we ? :)
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9 Like · 4 years · translate
Bursa God Father
I'm not try to be racist guys, i base on fact malaysia medicine.

Malaysia medicine and vaccine always come from this 2 company pfizer and Johnson², we never use any medicine form others country except Europe.

If you dont believe me go and check medicine in your house.

If you have darah tinggi, kencing manis, diabetes, even vaccine for hepatitis A,B, C, D, whatever check the brand and google it, some of them will be subsidiary from pfizer and Johnson².
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Bursa God Father
If you keep emotional during trade or chose stock, you make a great mistake.

Otai2 Chinese guys, Like KYY, OTB, and other they all know history of big 4 glove during health crisis.

Better do homework, before you make decisions to buy any stock.

Have great day, i apologies if you feel like i'm racist, i 'm not racist with guys, just try to tell what is the fact thats it.

"We Are Malaysian" Malay, Chinese, indian.

Bangla not included as a Malaysian hahahaha
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
wenkiet ong
It is too idealistic that you thought ALL medicines in Msia are from two companies, they are not huge enough to close the demand gap. Even if they did, the gov of Msia should never do that too, as this is a kind of MONOPOLY, which definitely is not advantageous to us Malaysians.

I won’t deny what you found — the common medicines at home are from these two companies, but we shouldn’t assume the whole by observing just a small piece in the particular sector, right?

After all, the link that I provided is published by the government of Malaysia. Unless they lied to us, it should be a strong evidence.
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Bursa God Father
Wenkiet Ong, Absolutely is a kind of MONOPLOY, this 2 company supply to our government hospitals, private hospital.

I dont know right or wrong, but after some study, i find out this 2 company have been supply all medicines include vaccine for a long time in Malaysia.

our government try to bring good news, just want to build up this new government reputation cause of mistake from election and increase case drastically.
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wenkiet ong
高橋光陽 Stop spreading your fxxking racism mindset. Base on fact and always be objective when you want to show others what you thought.

Don’t become weapons of those rotten racist politicians.
6 Like · 4 years · translate
We are Malaysians..don't be recist. We all together in here to make a money.Focus on your goals.
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Patrick Kum
We Malaysian together we fight this pandemic and bring back the economy, happy trading guyssss
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Clemson Chua
Yup agree bro
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Khairul Yazid
So many good hearted people how can i not love Malaysian <3
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Khoon Lin Bong
kita jaga kita tak kira bangsa..let's fight covid together and earn money from TG together
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JK Wan
lol,someone blame China for bringing new virus pretend to not racist, it's good if China can provide vaccine to save Malaysian life, don't use lah if you afraid also dont use glove from topglov too since it build by chinese
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vian wl
living in a world run by capitalism and in a game started by capitalist, let's not get too emotional. Malaysia small country, to survive we need to drink multiple cups of tea at the same time, keep everyone as ally or business partner. Keep business in business terms. Dont fall into other country's narrative because they are in their own competition fight. We no need to go down into the waters, stay on land and eat popcorn.
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
JLK Forever
TED while vaccine is on the way. glove is on the way to oversupply.
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On the way means havent la. When? Duno. U say soon, u say only. If havent. Y sell? Jz like bank. Ppl start paying loan, means havent credit into their acc right? So stock price havent recover lo. U got common sense or not jlk
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JLK Forever
ya wait until glove oversupply only sell. you can get out in time?
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By that time also earn a lot d. Like that day 8.8 start flying. This 2 days red a bit, still 9.34. Y cant run on time? If like this u got nth to invest d. Stock market dun suit u. Which sector to look at?
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
Also, talking bout oversupply. When? As i knw AT LEAST coming 2 qr will be good. AT LEAST.... Oversupply? Next year or next 2 year?
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Mickey Minnie
His oversupply is based on many companies are venturing in glove making. Hello, u know to be fully operational how long it takes not. Company give out news they are venturing into glove today doesnt mean tomorrow they can start biz. Lol.
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Like · 4 years · translate
Bursa God Father

No one blame china bring new virus, but histroy never lie, history have taught us many things, but we never learn from it, why?

Its so difficult for you to accept fact.

No one sound racism, but you sound like rasicm.

If don't own glove, don't talk bullshit.
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Ken Tham
Anwar, r u confirm covid19 is come from china?
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Eddy A
China the first nation to discovered the virus doesn't meant is coming from there.
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Bursa God Father
Ken Tham the first news was come from china but where the actually come from we did not know.

As we trader or investor, if you want to create great wealth in the market, you need to buy a stock that out of favour or see something that no one sees.

That why i say history never lie, but we didn't learn from it. If you learn from it for sure you going to make a lot of money.
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wayne wayne
But I heard china vaccine is for virua type C and msia ia type D wor...how ler?
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Kui Seong
jlk I'm still waiting u to answer my question. don't run lerh. since u always ask ppl weigh the news. but u the one who keep spreading fake news
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jon choo
At this moment the demand for gloves are still very high.
Why worries so much?
I got an inquiry of gloves require 100m boxes a month!
Only from 1 customer.
The order and delivery already line up to next year year end,
And deposit paid.
For coming financial year, all glove counters will still make big money.
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Eddy A
50% upside still possible
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Jon choo, jlk say alread priced in u dun und meh? Haha. Only priced in good news o. Never priced in vaccine development, vaccine will be here soon, says jlk forever
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Ed L, jlk forever say already priced in. He say this since 2 months ago, when tg rm7. He sold it at rm8. Everyday never forget to come here spread rumors spread fake news about vaccine is here soon
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Eddy A
How soon the Vaccine be available until now only speculation beside is not something that going to be 100 percent effective according to WHO. Protection gear is still in hot demand until end of 2021.
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Nvr mind vaccine don’t matter. If it matters, why stock price raised again?
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wenkiet ong
Anwar’s mind seems to be negatively biased when talking about China.
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Ed L, thats wat i told jlk forever too. Read back his previous comment, he say he got an insider news about vaccine development that will surprise everyone of us. But cant tell us now. I dun call that as news, bcoz news is smth that happened n reported. Not smth that so called coming soon. That is rumors
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Eddy A
The performance of the share price based on present and future demands of gloves products.
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jon choo
Why want to bother those intelligent challenge person.
We knew what happened.
Gloves wholesale price will increase again next month.
Anyway, i still holding my TG shares.
If kia si, then go buy 4D la.
Small cap and can win big, or better Big Sweep, very high ROI.
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wayne wayne
kia si can go hoot mah sing..confirm stay high floor
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Wayne u stay high floor mah sing shareholders till low floor
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Lim Chon Shoi
The fatest and the most effective way to evaluate effectiveness and the potential side effects of vaccine is through human challenge trial but there is ethical concern about this method,, some ppl might die for the cause. Siapa mau become hero can volunteer for the vaccine maker. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-challenge-virus-idUSKBN2710RP
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
Lim Chon Shoi
it seems UK will be the first country to conduct human challenge trial. god bless the ppl who volunteer for the trial. I will only fully trust vaccine that passes human challenge trial (purposely infected).
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jon choo
China already more than hundred thousand on people vaccination already, included few of my friends.
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Jack Huat
please go study phase 3 testing need use how long time? if is you, you brave go take the vaccine within fews months testing? if really like you say, this month vaccine came out, will glove demand become slow down? you can 100% make sure vaccine is safety? if have vaccine, you can 100% make sure you won't kena covid-19? please go study glove company order, sometimes you need use your brain and think it and study deep deep the company report, understand?
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Goeh Win
Seem like some ppl keep stressing on "China Vaccine" news trying to scare away investors so that they can collect cheap tickets........
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jon choo
Why so many intelligent challenge here.
Gloves ordered already line up till next year end and price keep increasing.
Even vaccine come up immediately, even tomorrow.
Will it have immediate affect on the gloves order? Will people immediately stop using gloves?
Will all patients in hospital can discharge immediately?
Can food industry no need use gloves anymore?
Why so sensitive even just small news about vaccine.
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3 Like · 4 years · translate
JLK Forever
Jon, my point is don't chase high. like all said here there's still room to go higher.

the question is make sense for that "room for higher" ?

we are now not pre covid, we are in the MIDDLE of covid19.

rally already happened, feel good factor already happened. research house also sceptical.

well your take.
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Just Like Kids forever...........
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JLK Forever
jack when vaccine approved you can choose not to take. but there's people afraid to die. when vaccine approved of course it's safe. common sense
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Mickey Minnie
JLK. So whats the reasonable price for topglove?
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JLK Forever
between 8-9
more than that speculative nature
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Khairul Yazid
Before this you say 6-7. Wait till qr jlk will change his new tp 11-12
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A Ace
JLK, not everyone will take vaccine, in western country like US UK, even government advice them to wear face mask, they're not follow at all, they say this violate their freedom, they want right and freedom more than their life
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A Ace
You can watch BBC news comments, a lots of people think covid19 is just a flu. If vaccine is made by china absolutely many people will doubt on it, they are not trust China and WHO
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Mickey Minnie
JLk, during 8 and 9 u also say dont chase high. Lol. Previously u said want sapu 7. Now 8 or 9? You listening to yourself?

So you buy share not based on company performance?
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Why is JLK wasting to time to convince other people about a stock he doesn't own?
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1. He lose money previously on this stock

2. He sold too early

3. He miss the boat
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3 Like · 4 years · translate
Let's stop engaging with JLK, waste time. Spend your time studying financial reports, increase your knowledge. Time investment is as good as cash investment
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wayne wayne
jlk, left hand i hold TG and Supermax right hand we hold genting , genm, mbb or cimb....then what u wan ?
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wayne wayne
JLK = Ji La Kah??
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JLK Forever
Mickey buy for goreng. now is not time and right price for growth. priced in ! said many times.
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Mickey Minnie
Jlk, what is your basis for calling the price priced in? Your 6th sense?
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Zen Ng
I heard JLK mention about vaccine 6 months ago, and until today he still mentioning.. But yet TG share price continue going up regardless what he said...

If you click into his profile, you can see all his historical comments is only focusing on negative comment toward particularly TG only.. This already told us what is his intention...
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4 Like · 4 years · translate
JLK Forever
zen Ng vaccine exist and it's on the way. which country want it's economy to stop even a single day?
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Mickey Minnie
Jlk why you ignore me?

Come on bro, on the way is when? The officials and authorities also cant give an exact date. They only gave estimations which will be subject to change.
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Mickey Minnie
Jlk and why u only comment in topglove?
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JLK Forever
it's the same for optimism in glove.

you can't just up and no down.

it's already predicted oversupply by some research analyst.
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Alvan Chin
Look at the fact. Why Mahsing still want to setup glove supply if oversupply or predict demand will down soon
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Lim Chon Shoi
and why petronas partnering with lG Chem to build a nbr latex plant next year.
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Mickey Minnie
JLk pls kindly mentioned exactly who is that some research analyst.
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I assume it may iversupply 1 day. Not now. Jz like bank, profit will come back when everyone pay their loan, when loan deferment ended. They start collecting in oct, n this will reflect in their nezt 2 qr, which is jan 2021. Y bank havent back to b4 mco level? Simple. Not now. Thanks jlk pls dun come back. The exit is over thr
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jon choo
Don't chase are correct.
This is not something new like pre COVID. This already stable and only wait for report.
And does share price = revenue and profit?
For me, not.
How much you made in revenue and profit is not direct reflect on share prices.
Aharea prices are control by big players.
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Jon choo, maybe u r right. I buy to collect dividend. Tg 50% dividend. 1.2b comp spend 700m to pay dividend. I jz dun like jlk spread rumors
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Bursa God Father
Bye2 JLk, tomorrow big day watch it closely, you keep talking bullshit you miss the boat again.
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jon choo
Buy or sell on your own.
Don't trust thise rumours.
I don't read or listen to any forum.
All my counters are depend on own decision.
All forums are helping to spread news and try to control your mund to buy or sell.
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Alvan Chin
等下开市就大跌8分了 JLK一定很开心lol
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wayne wayne
JLK , u talk more the share price up more...lai talk negative kaw kaw li
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