kelvin foong's comment on HARTA. All Comments

kelvin foong
8 Like · Reply
Mother share up rm1, C-54 warrant only up rm0.005????Totally cannot buy C warrant.Holland
Daniel kk
viarga timeout....haha
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Chee Siong
Daniel hahaha
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Loke Shu Teng
Sharkie, before issue there is no market price. Just a reference price. Premium is derived from the last done price. As such, premium (high or low) is determine by the market, not the issuer. So the market (you and i) determine the premium.
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Loke Shu Teng
Congratulations to those bought the lowest premium warrant C48 and C52. Still cheap. Not too late to buy more.
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Seu Evum
c52 with 6% premium only,glad to see that
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Loke Shu Teng
C48 is 0.06% premium or almost ZERO premium. Where to find? This is the best among all the warrant for Harta
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Chong Boonpey
yes gogogo ???
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Sharkie Yu
c60 200% profit more to go haha
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Sharkie Yu
c48 low gearing and tenure this year end this kind of warrant premium only will go negative with 3 month to expiry
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Sharkie Yu
c52 ok still cheap high gearing with high liquidity
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Loke Shu Teng
C48 already in-the-money. So will premium should not be negative
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Loke Shu Teng
If C48 were to expire today, its value would be RM0.50 based on its exercise price, exercise ratio and the underlying price. So if it is negative and you buy today, you will immediately make money when IB make cash settlement.
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Loke Shu Teng
So Sharkie, not all warrant will be negative premium when it is near expiry. There are many criteria to consider
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Sharkie Yu
good luck 。。。
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Chee Siong
Loke shu teng what means (immediately make money when ib make cash settlement)?
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Sharkie Yu
not all but almost all
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Loke Shu Teng
Chee Siong, I was referring to IF C48 were to expire today. Then IB (Investment Bank) would have to make cash settlement for those holding the Called Warrant since C48 is in-the-money.

Assuming Harta closes at RM18 today, each C48 would be worth RM0.465.

RM18 - RM12.45 = RM5.55
RM5.55 / 12 = RM0.465

So IB will have to pay you RM0.464 as cash settlement
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Loke Shu Teng
Sharkie, agree not all will be negative premium BUT the key is knowing which one will be negative and which one shouldn't be negative and make money from it.
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Chee Siong
Loke shu teng great explanation
But one last question if you dont mind,
If i still hold the warrant c48 till today, the bank will pay me cash settlement if the mother share up to RM18 right?
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Chee Siong
Loke shu teng it will expired automatically or i need to call the banker? Or the banker will direct pay the cash settlement if i still hold the ticket?
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Loke Shu Teng
Chee Siong, since the exercise price is RM12.45, if the price of the underlying (in this case Harta) is above RM12.45, then it is in-the-money and IB will have to make cash settlement.

Let assume we buy 12 shares of C48 at RM0.30. So our cost is RM3.60

And assume on the expiry date, the price of underlying is RM13.

So IB will pay (RM13-RM12.45)/12 = RM0.0465. Note it is divide by 12 due to the ratio

Hence our cost is RM0.30 per share BUT IB only pay us RM0.0465 per share. We make lose.
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Loke Shu Teng
However, if on the expiry date, the price of underlying is RM20 (which I hope).

So IB will pay (RM20-RM12.45)/12 = RM0.63. Note it is divide by 12 due to the ratio

Hence our cost is RM0.30 per share BUT IB pay us RM0.63 per share. We will double our money.
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Loke Shu Teng
Chee Siong, IB will automatically make payment to Called Warrant holder if the warrant is in-the-money
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Loke Shu Teng
Jennis, I have already provided the example for C48. You can easily pluck in the number for any warrant.

Pls dont buy if you dont understand. What I have provided is the most basic understanding of warrant.
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Chee Siong
Loke shu teng great explanation, thank you very much, learned a new lesson
Today lets pray viarga mode on every trading for harta boss
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Seu Evum
shu tang,thank for sharing about when warrant expired what will happen
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kelvin foong
Hi,Loke Shu Teng,can C-54 reach rm0.13???
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Chee Siong
Kelvin foong just be patient
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Loke Shu Teng
Kelvin, i can't tell the future price of any stock or warrant.

C54 is out-of-money and has a premium of 25%. Why you want to pay high premium? I'm not saying it is wrong to pay a high premium but you HAVE to know why. if not, it is like paying RM200k for a car. Not saying RM200k for a car is expensive BUT do you know why you want to pay RM200k for it?

Again, please dont buy if you dont know what you are buying. it is like you pay RM200k for a car but no idea what kind of car.
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kelvin foong
Tq,as your experience can reach rm0.13?
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kelvin foong
if cant i want to cut loss b4 is too late.
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kelvin foong
i bought 6lot at rm0.355 and 38Lot at rm0.09, average must at rm0.13.So dun know wait or cut?
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Loke Shu Teng
kelvin, I'm not a fortune teller. I wouldn't know. And even if I (or anyone else) give you some price guidance, why would you want to believe me (or anyone else). Unless I can provide justification, if not whatever I predict is just a wild guess - which you also can do.

Also, it is best you make your own decision on your investment. At the end of the day, it is your money.

Anyway, warrant price is related to its underlying.
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kelvin foong
i think should cut loss because Mother share up rm1.40 , C-54 only up rm0.005 n today Mother share up rm1.10 but C-54 only up rm0.01!!!
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kelvin foong
Hard to go up rm0.13!!!!.
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Loke Shu Teng
kelvin, as an exercise perhaps you can calculate in order for C54 to go up to RM0.13, what price Harta should be.

Once you have the number, then you will know why you want to sell or continue to hold.

Without knowing the number, you are just selling blindly, just as you have bought blindly.
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kelvin foong
according to mother share up rm1,C-54 only up rm0.005-0.01,if mother can go rm20,C-54 only can go up rm0.125.
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kelvin foong
Thanks,Loke Shu Teng.
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Loke Shu Teng
C54 exercise price is RM20. If Harta price is RM20, C54 is worth ZERO.

I really think you should avoid buying warrant until you understand what is a warrant.

Imagine, Harta price is now RM21 and you think C54 at RM0.10 is cheap. You will lose ALL your money
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Loke Shu Teng

Above is a good article on warrant. The article provided a full explanation about warrant
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Sharkie Yu
kelvin be patient dont sell first onve mother share so bullish
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Sharkie Yu
c54 i saw high volume when closing i also notice about it when it drop to 0.065 but very fast people buy back
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Sharkie Yu
i plan to buy also when 0.065 - 0.07 for me price is very cheap if the gearing looking attractive but que no get
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Sharkie Yu
premium 25% for me is not so high seen it is new warrant
my portfolio
harta c60 200% gain buy in 0.04
topglove c94 buy in 0.08 premium 35% also 100% gain ++
we buy warrant not because in the money is because it has paper gain and have people to goreng since i wont hold it until expiry
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Sharkie Yu
just hold it as my view glove ia going back to bull
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Seu Evum
if buy warrant without calculate the premium and is in the money or not,better go genting gamble,they give u better chance to win
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Sharkie Yu
ya I agree with you haha but I know what I am doing at least I am save now those warrant previously cost premium 100% more now drop until below 30% think yourself haha
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c53 also same, mother up over rm 1, c53 only up 0.005
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Loke Shu Teng
Ray Ng, the main question to ask is why C53 move up only 0.005?

If the answer is because it is laggard, then we should buy more. Eventually the price will go up. However, if C53 is overvalued (despite up only 0.005), then we should stay away from it.
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Seu Evum
凭运气赚的钱终有一天会凭实力输回去,this is the advise for those who want trade warrant,if u had earned thick profit then congrats to you all,and wish the luck always be with u
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Sharkie Yu
another example c18 kossan with premium 28% today up 30% why??? because you all just buy based on premium not the exact intrisic value of the warrant
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Miki Yi
C52 not bad
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William Cheah
Extrinsic Value decay faster than share price movement. That’s the reason.
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Loke Shu Teng
William, I dont think you statement is 100% correct all the time. Volatility of the underlying share price play a part in the share price movement.
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Sharkie Yu
less than one week already 100% more take half profit and let other run
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Han Han
Anyone have any idea abt C47?
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Loke Shu Teng
Both C47 and C48 are in-the-money and have almost the same expiry date. However, C47 have a higher premium (means more expensive) but a higher gearing (means more leverage) than C48.

So depends on your appetite. Personally, I prefer C48 over C47.
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Sharkie Yu
since already up so many days i will clear my harta and kossan warrant
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Loke Shu Teng
I am hoping that Harta will go up to RM20 which means C48 and C52 should go to RM0.63 and RM0.33 respectively.
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Chee Siong
Loke shu teng lets hope harta up to 24
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Sharkie Yu
seen healthcare index really hit resistance and retrace so I will see back only it breakout resistance yesterday already switch my fund to furniture stock
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Loke Shu Teng
Hope this round Harta can go to RM20. I will then more than double my money on my investment in C48 and C52
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Chee Siong
Better warrant?
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Loke Shu Teng
Still holding my C48 and C52. Both are in-the-money and low premium.
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Chee Siong
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then c53 can up or not?
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Chee Siong
As warrant expert here
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Tan Beng Hooi
@Ray Ng, what is your average of c53?
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About 0.166-0.168 like this
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Elaine Tai
Ray Ng wait to die together.. lol
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Han Han
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Elaine Tai
@Han han exactly
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Loke Shu Teng
C53 is out-of-money (exercise price is RM24) and premium of 60%. Good luck!!
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Han Han
My advice... If u r not stock expert, nvr go for warrant
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Loke Shu Teng
Harta need to be at RM32 for C53 to be worth RM0.16. If Harta is RM32, I will make 10x my money for C48 and C54.
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Loke Shu Teng
I agree with Han. Unfortunately many people out there don't even know what they buying and paying for something that is worth less than toilet paper.
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Chee Siong
How about c54?
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Loke Shu Teng
C54? Just work out the number yourself. If you dont know how, then I suggest you shouldn't be buying any warrant.
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Loke Shu Teng
C60 - slightly high premium (about 20%) but justify by expiry date of end Mar 2021. Good gearing too. I might consider once I realized my profit from C48 and C52
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Loke Shu Teng
RM20 coming soon!!!
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Xiao Jing Tan
54 now is good enough
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Sharkie Yu
54 and 52 still looking good
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Loke Shu Teng
RM20 this week?
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Han Han
RM21 this week!
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Xiao Jing Tan
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kelvin foong
Ada goreng bagus.
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Loke Shu Teng
ok, I support you Han. RM21 this week. Just 10% saja mah
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24 next week then
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Loke Shu Teng
RM24 is about 20%. Quite possible.
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KC Ong
how about c47?
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Xiao Jing Tan
22 this week.......
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Xiao Jing Tan
54 add onnnn!!!!!!
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Sharkie Yu
congratz who buy c54 within one week 100% return
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Calvin Chen
c54 equal mother 23.4, lol, don't buy premium 10++ one, unless u really can predict mother 24++, so u profit, and of course some of them bought c54 under 0.10 so they still profit abit
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Bursa God Father
Just you cannot understand to play warrant do not make it personal.
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Poh Tin Tee
l agree with kelvin foong. Something is not right with this instrument, call warrant.
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Lim Thong Lit
exercise price rm20, understand before invest bro
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Loke Shu Teng
Poh Tin Tee, what do you mean something is not right with called warrant? Care to elaborate?
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Billy Yeoh
warrants are not as straight forward & to always expect it to follow mother movement up or down is a wrong perception. there are other factors to understand first before playing cw
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Loke Shu Teng
Warrant is an option. Simple as that. You can also think of a warrant as a coupon/voucher that can exchange (exercise) for an underlying. The underlying for warrant is the mother share while the underlying for coupon/voucher could be a McD Big Mac. So the question is how much are you willing to pay for a warrant (or coupon/voucher)?
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