Najib Ismail's comment on PHARMA. All Comments

Najib Ismail
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good news for Dpahrma & pharmaniaga..vaccine is ready on sept. Gloves counter gg laew!!
Master Dip
my god..your stupidity level is godlike
3 Like · 4 years · translate
Master Dip
Pharmaniaga and DPharma are bottling the vaccine. GLC company. Profit margin will be small cause it'll be subsidized since it'll be a available for public for free. and on top of that, cases for Covid 19 are diminishing, we're getting 0 to 20 cases a day. only 2 percent goes to ICU. moreover, the cases have good rate of successful treatment. why would a vaccine for a virus that has high cure rate be profitable?
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Sally Wong SB
Which is true?
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Follow Jack Jeeper
Please do not be rude, my opinion :
- subsidized, but it wont affect profits made because gomen will subsidize for public, they wont control profits made by distributor as there are costs involved
- Covid case diminishing has nothing to do with vaccine, do you take vitamin only when you sick?
- Vaccinated individuals will have more freedom to their desires, ie travelling, it will open up many other sectors, also protects minorities and elderly from the virus

question is, why are you so salty?
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Don Vito CH
Hmm.. No right and wrong. Forsee near future of flight travelling might required vaccinated doc as proof. Will need to carry as always like ur IC, might be.
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Zhikang Sim
蔡正元台湾政治人物promote 中国疫苗 好像哪里怪怪的?
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Master Dip
I'm not salty..I'm baffled by how gullible investors are, like how you're comparing vaccine and vitamin. vitamin is supplement. vaccine is a preventive drug that bolster our immune systems to fight Covid infection. you won't die because you lack vitamins even if you're sick. you know why? white blood cells. believe it or not, with or without vaccine, our body naturally builds Immunity over time. the ones that doesn't have robust immune system (like old people and children) will need vaccination
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
Master Dip
we're talking about 1.4 percent of infectious fatality and 98.6 percent recovery rate. it's like chicken pox, once you recover from Covid...your antibody is already robust enough to prevent reinfection, unless the virus strain mutates to a deadlier version like sivagangga strain.
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
Master Dip
and I'm not innocent..even I invested in Pharmaniaga and Dpharma to goreng..I made few hundreds...the part I'm annoyed about is idiots are trying to demerit glove counters cause vaccine is "around the corner"
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Master Dip
travelling requiring vaccination is possible, depending on the countries and how bad the cases are. let's use logic, if a person from zero covid country were to fly to Malaysia would not require vaccination, but if a tourists from India or USA were to come to Malaysia will require vaccination. but then again USA and India won't be taking bottled vaccines from Pharmaniaga or dpharma.
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Master Dip
but if Malaysians were to fly to USA or India, you think those countries will only allow vaccinated Malaysians when our infectious percentage is one of the lowest in Asia. possibly is very slim. tourism vaccination mandate will PROBABLY be subjected to origin country
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Master Dip
correct me if I'm wrong. thank you
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report for spreading false news mou?
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Hoseh Liau
Not all countries come with halal manufacturing fill n finish like Pharma and Dpharma. They can export in overseas. Dpharma presence in Indonesia where the vaccine already in Indonesia.
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Brian Tan
Lol Sathya vaccine is not cure. Vaccine is to produce anti virus in your body to prevent the virus to incubate. So what Malaysia have only 20 cases. But everyone needs to have the vaccine to Ensure the virus to incubate? Especially front liners
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Brian Tan
It’s like BCG vaccine when we used to take it at 12 years old
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Follow Jack Jeeper
this guy think sick already only find cure, wait until the cure also die already la. Vaccine is like insurance you dont buy when you're dying dude
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Don Don Sin
You better to buy the rubber counter for your safe
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Follow Jack Jeeper
yea better buy rubber, HIV and AIDS is dangerous, that one no vaccine
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Why thinking straight to travelling oversea? Why not our public schools, universities first? Got so many malaysian travelling compared to our own public amenities? I don't degrade any of our glove friends but saw a lot of opposite is happening here, thats why OP trolling it. Gloves already and still having bullish run, no need to be so salty here lol
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Don Don Sin
Don’t worry,for me rubber and vaccine both already bought!
Follow: I am very curious to ask you, do we need to Put on gloves for vaccination?
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Follow Jack Jeeper
that is why Vaccine is important, it gives everyone their normal lives back, then comes those tin kosong making sh*t ton of noise opposing vaccine while promoting their glove crap
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Master Dip
which part of my comments said Vaccine is a cure?
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Marcus Lim
both also important vaccine and rubber...both also will have their time and wont be forever when demand cools down but until then, to understand and believe the current scenario...

main question need to ask Boustead once they go private and delisted which BNM already approved their intention to go private, would Pharmaniaga still be listed or not...if not would the owner offer lower price or real fair value below delisting...
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Don Don Sin
Jack 就是在这里给你酸啦 哈哈哈哈
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Lai liaoo vaccine
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Billion One
yes u r right... gg.. wait. wrong room.
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Legendary Movement
Malaysia don't even need to order many vaccines less then 200 active cases, currently only 159 cases. Please study and research before buying. Glove also dropping because facing many new competitors ventured into glove business, so they have to reduce the selling price..
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how much margin can pharma earn since the vaccine is not produce by them. they only do distribution n packaging. if too expensive will government take action or subsidy? if gov subsidize, don't expect high profit lo.. this counter is purely "goreng" counter with weak fundamental
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Legendary Movement
Vz it is very depending on how much is the Vaccine selling price and costs to evaluate the profit margin. The main point is not many COVID-19 cases in Malaysia so far, and I believe many people with no COV infections do not want to be vaccinated.
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yes legendary, i dont think the profit for vaccine is high since msia does not produce it (hence cant control the cost) and this thing is for the whole societies, high margin will get criticism. besides, as u said, msia has relatively low cases so even got vaccine will not so soon reach msia. agree also "demand" not high...At least for me, I will see others vaccined first if prove no problem only pay for it.
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Marcus Lim
agreed with Matthew...look at their latest QR results make little profit...Duo Pharma earnings even better if compare side by side
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Ken Neth
agreed with Vz ?
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Jack Jeeper
Yes Marcus, it's always good to look for diversification, never put all your eggs in 1 basket, same goes for Dpharma
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