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Kent I'm selling 1M units permaju Pr at 0.01 first to get back my capital +RM2K profit. balance 600,000 units see how high this permaju Pr will rise before Raya haj
Hijaz, if not interested to convert to mother share, need to sell by end July (if not mistaken, better check out) otherwise you need to pay extra to convert, that’s a lot money considering you hold so much.
I believe the company will help on ensuring the mother price is worth converting, otherwise, all the warrant holders who are also their shareholders and directors will be very unhappy if the warrant is not worth conversion and they make loss on it.
3 August to convert warrant @5c, then later to mother share @ 0.20. That means using 0.26 to buy 0.340, if not mistaken lah. You have to read the prospectus again....