William Kong's comment on PBBANK. All Comments

William Kong
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Next 2 quarters Public Bank's profits will be affected by Hire Purchase Moratorium extended to Oct 2020 which gives totally no accrued interest income to the Bank. PBB owned the highest market share in Hire Purchase market hence their profits on this segment will be impacted more compared to other Banks.
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Edd C
Highest is Affin Bank not PBB. Any NPL will onli surface after morotorium not next quarter.
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William Kong
You sure Hire Purchase biggest market share is Affin Bank? Plz do your market check 1st. And I'm not saying the Non Performing Loan (NPL), I'm saying the profits from the Hire Purchase Segment will be affected due to Moratorium for Hire Purchase gives no income at all for accrue interest unlike the other loans' Moratorium will gives accrue interest income to the Bank.
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kkiera qqq
不要吵,其实还是有很多人要继续还款的 因為延迟要填写表格,还挺麻烦
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William Kong
我本身是在银行工作的,很多顾客知道Term Loan 和 Trade Finance 有 accrue interest 后选择opt out Moratorium ,反而车贷款因为Moratorium没有accrue interest,很多顾客有本事还钱却选择opt in Moratorium 因为不需要给多利息,还可以六个月不用还钱。
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William Kong
cannot see wor
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William Kong
I'm not giving opinion of buying or selling shares, I'm just sharing out the facts that that PBB Hire Purchase Segment will be affected more compared to other Banks as they have huge market share in HP. Bear in mind HP moratorium will not give any accrue interest to the Banks hence Banks' Profits in Profit and Loss Statement will be affected unlike the other loans are still giving profits to the Bank with accrue interest charged to customers in Moratorium period.
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William Kong
Plz look at the news today, Banks are still negotiating with government and BNM for alternatives instead of HP Moratorium with no accrue interest. They know the current practice will not give any benefits to the Banks.
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kkiera qqq
我也是银行工作者,目前香港内安法事件也是会对pbb有一定的影响。因为它们有分行在香港。所以看法见仁见智, 交给时间来决定。
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kkiera qqq
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William Kong
我听到的消息是,如果要hp moratorium需要通知银行说你要opt in,不然六月开始全部standing instructions 会回复自动扣款,不过还是打给各自的银行查询比较好,毕竟每间银行的policy都不一样。
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William Kong
不过关于这个车贷款的Moratorium, 据我hq同事的消息说,之前刚开始HP moratorium不是不用算利息吗,然后pbb是第一家银行去和bnm申请要算利息,结果bnm也批了,所以当那天bnm转态度说hp要算利息时,pbb是第一家也是最快公布消息的银行,基本上和bnm同一时间发表信息,从这可以看得出这个免利息的moratorium对pbb的车贷盈利有一定的冲击。所以说,对于投资者来说,pbb简直就是一个金鸡蛋,因为它对银行的盈利真的是很敏感,不过对于它的顾客来说,就真的要小心了。
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kkiera qqq
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William Kong
Just saw the article, it mentioned it's "proportion" of its loan portfolio not the market share.

All the Banks will be affected due to this HP Moratorium and Affin Bank will be the hardest hit as their HP proportion in their loan portfolio owned 23.2%.

But in term on volume and and market share, PBB will be the hardest hit as the size of their loan portfolio are totally different with Affin and Ambank.
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William Kong
Don't know oh, but the edge have financial writers for this kind or articles. I got one uni senior who is currently the financial writer in the edge, they got many sources one, even like last time 1mdb case they also can get the news before everyone knows it.
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