DAP to use Pakatan Harapan logo in Peninsular Malaysia in GE15

TheEdge Sun, Nov 14, 2021 03:45pm - 3 years View Original

SHAH ALAM (Nov 14): Pakatan Harapan (PH) component party DAP on Sunday (Nov 14) announced that it will use the PH logo in the peninsular in the 15th General Election (GE15).

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the use of the PH logo would only be for Peninsular Malaysia, while Sabah DAP and Sarawak DAP would decide for themselves (on the logo they would use) as they had autonomy.

"We have started in the Melaka State Election (using of PH logo), we will use it throughout Peninsular Malaysia for the 15th GE except for Sabah and Sarawak. Because they have (the power) of autonomy, they will decide whether to us the DAP rocket logo or a joint logo,” he said when opening the Selangor DAP 2021 Ordinary State Convention here on Sunday (Nov 14).

Meanwhile, Selangor DAP chairman Gobind Singh Deo said Selangor DAP had applied to the state PH to get three additional seats, including one parliamentary seat, for GE15.

“On this matter, I need to tell everyone here that discussions are being held with Selangor PH whereby so far we have asked for three additional seats.

“To date, we have stated our readiness to contest two additional state seats and one additional parliamentary seat. With this, we (will) increase the number of our state seats from 16 to 18 in the next election,” he said in his welcoming speech.

The convention, which was conducted in strict compliance to Covid-19 prevention standard operating procedures (SOP), was attended by 1,116 delegates from 218 branches throughout the state to elect 15 new office bearers for the next three years.

PH is made up of PKR, DAP, Amanah and UPKO. Polling for the Melaka state election is on Nov 20.

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