YTL Comms: Free Internet services offered in 'good faith'

TheStar Tue, Jul 09, 2019 11:45am - 5 years View Original

KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Communications Bhd has reiterated that it did not ask for any special preferences when it offered free Internet services to the Education Ministry while awaiting a fresh tender for the 1BestariNet contract.

In a statement issued today, the telco said it had offered in good faith on May 31, at the Ministry's request, Internet services and the Frog Virtual Learning Environment at no charge to the Ministry from July 1 to Dec 31.

"But  on  27  June,  without  even  responding  to  our  letter  offering  free  services  for  the  six  months period,  the  Ministry  announced  the  award  of  the  internet  services  for  the  interim  period  to Telekom  Malaysia,  Celcom  Axiata  and  Maxis," it said.

"If  the  Ministry  had  accepted  our  offer  for  the  free  services  during  the  interim  period,  the Ministry  would  have  saved  millions,  prevented  disruption  to  the  schools  in  the  middle  of  the school  year,  as  well  as  had  the  time  to  conduct  a  tender  exercise  following  which  they  would have  a  properly defined  solution  and  price."

YTL Communications said it was supportive of the government's call for a fresh tender despite the latter vioating terms of its contract as there was no joint review on the award of each phase of the project. 

"The  process  by  which  each  phase  was  to  be  awarded  was  clearly  set  out  in  the  project documents;  there  would  be  a  joint  review  on  performance,  changes  in  technology,  basic educational  needs  and  price  prior  to  the  expiry  of  each  phase  and  before  parties  reach agreement  on  the  next  phase," it said.

YTL Communications said that a review would have identified the areas of improvement for the next phase, with pricing set against current market prices and clarity as to implementation


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Lawrence Ding
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I think MACC should investigate the millions pay out...

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