
TheEdge Sun, Nov 05, 2023 08:30am - 1 year View Original

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 5): The traditional model of education has seen a significant shift, as many are acknowledging that formal education alone is insufficient to keep pace with the demands of modern industries. Sheng Wong, director of DIRI, is shaping the future of education and personal growth through the self-paced edutainment streaming platform made for the everyday Malaysian. Conducted by local celebrity mentors and Malaysian heroes such as Tan Sri Nazir Razak, Tan Sri Mazlan Othman, Datuk Nicol Ann David and more, it uses real-life stories to impart valuable life lessons with greater impact.

“Our courses aim to inspire and guide learners towards a deeper understanding of what they need, enabling them to navigate other learning platforms with purpose. By sharing the experiences of accomplished mentors, we bridge the gap between inspiration and actionable knowledge, encouraging a habit of continuous learning,” says Wong, who is gearing up for the big launch targeted at corporates on Nov 16.

The Edge threw a little party to welcome Delvaux, the world’s oldest fine leather goods house, and its chief executive officer Jean-Marc Loubier to Kuala Lumpur recently. The media group’s publisher and group CEO Datuk Ho Kay Tat hosted a select group of guests at serial restaurateur Benjamin Yong’s newly relocated Beast restaurant at Bangsar Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur, and it was an evening that celebrated the best of craftsmanship, culinary delights and camaraderie. Also in attendance were Delvaux APAC chief marketing officer Jerri Ng and The Edge chief commercial officer Sharon Teh.

The Red Club x Cartier created the Young Leader Award (YLA) in 2021 to help leaders of business and non-profit entities circumvent unnecessary hurdles and increase a ripple effect that will motivate other aspirants who want to follow in the brand’s footsteps. The winner of the 2023 edition, Dr Bea Bakshi, founder of UK-based C the Signs, utilised the exposure and recognition garnered from this award to amplify the visibility of her groundbreaking clinical platform, which harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to detect patients at risk of cancer at the earliest and most treatable stages. Applications for the 2024 Young Leader Award are open until Jan 31.

Read all about these and more in the Nov 6, 2023 issue of Options, out with The Edge Malaysia weekly.

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Ah Choon Wong
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Ah Choon Wong
Telos….. 晚上好…..
1….Zero to One by Peter Thiel,
2. …Thinking and Grow Rich by Napoleon,
3. Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman …Nobel Price Winner , the concept of cognitive biases introduced in 1972.
4… 日本‘经营之神’松下幸之助的書。
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ok thanks a lot!
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