All Comments on HBGLOB Reload

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Lee Shin Cheng
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Why so hot here? Big announcement soon?
Yong Jun
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Keep close & watch..volume & momentum here, break out is coming
Chloe Cheong
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Newly listed vegetable stock has performed strongly. We await HB Global's turn to surge ; )
Smiles Everyday
This stock is unpredictable like wild horse.
1 Like · 3 days · translate
Yan Long Tan
0。285 soon wait me finished eat 0.210
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Sonnia Fang
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A brief introduction about this company : HB Global Limited is a Singapore-based investment holding company listed on the Bursa Malaysia with diversified businesses including 5G technology services, food manufacturing and processing, supply chain related services consulting, innovative technology and managed services supply chain business operations and R&D
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funny transactions appeared !
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market gambler 股市路人丙
4 Like · Reply
hopefully next week got some planning updates
1 Like · 4 days · translate
Gan Phillips
Updates coming, stay on. Go....Go..
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Alex Tan
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Dont worry, coming soon investors... now is slowly recovering UP.
solid biz plan is otw!!!
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Alex Tan
if solid biz, the biz cannot be debt! hoho..
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1 Like · Reply
scammed counter is it?
Lee AS
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semalam buaya makan banyak !!!!!!
Lee AS
how soon is your year? LOL
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when can up to 0.50? hahaha
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Mr. GK
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近期的主力线+散户平均 0.135,这两天跌破了小心注意观察,冲上 0.135 站稳才是比较安全的,谨慎你的血汗钱。没有买卖建议,买卖自负。嘻嘻。。。。。。
Tan Tan
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Mr. GK
赚够了,我出场了,现在在 PIE,嘻嘻
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Lee AS
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