All Comments on VITROX Reload

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Bryan Wong
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Waiting u at 3, pls come i wanna collect it and keep at fridge for my son education fund next 5 years
Remmy Jr
Buy some at low 3 ish and heavily below 3.
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bppoh75 poh
very damn attractive bargain
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Michael Tan
topglov 都可以从29.5跌到0.53 Vitrox跌破1元不是不可能
1 Like · 2 weeks · translate
jayson K
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HEnry Goh
3 Like · Reply
not yet price is still above rm8 lol.. dont forget its after BI price...
bppoh75 poh
buy lor, chance is given
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HEnry Goh
wait and see if below rm3 only buy 1shot...if no then wait again
1 Like · 2 weeks · translate
Kean Chan
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Remmy Jr
Normal for tech stock to have high PE.
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Kayson Bibi
1 Like · Reply
run before too late .. run...
bppoh75 poh
too late lor, now is collecting time
1 Like · 3 weeks · translate
Remmy Jr
Now is time to buy not run. When high baru run.
2 Like · 3 weeks · translate
John Mah
1 Like · Reply
台积电PE28, vitrox PE 59, 目前价位真的便宜?股价已经跑了,业绩还需要继续增长才能跟上
Ming Ooi
Nvidia PE50 也是贵 腰斩一半
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bill hwang
1 Like · 3 weeks · translate
Simon Loh
这样的eps, 两块钱刚好合理P/E
Like · 3 weeks · translate
Ah Kit Paul
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holland ,if you work at vitrox,then you sure know how situation vitrox ow
future brighter than ever before situation ?
Like · 1 month · translate
Druncola Ong
Ah Kit Paul, you kena laid off by Vitrox ? XD
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Steven Gan
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RM4 Sapu sikit simpan Peti Sejuk dulu~~
bppoh75 poh
jangan Holland lagi lah, hahaha
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Vuiton Lim
I think won't Holland again unless US economic data is bad and Iran retaliates ...
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