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nak conso semula mustahil...sebab dah buat thn lepas...paling teruk pun jatuh harga 2-3sen untuk dia tidur.....tunggu ada business BOOM dia naik balik.
Saya punya cost sebelum ini 0.06. Lepas conso jadi 1.45. Pantqt sekarang lagi teruk dari harga conso. Apa punya baxx company ini. Bursa goyang txx... Kenapa tak ambik tindakan com macam ini.
I've never seen such a energy company posted 5 years continuous losses but still exist in the market. what has the directors doing by getting 200+K fees? there is no way out unless declare itself PN17 status and getting new capable person to the board. Worthless co. by studying the financial statement as you can see most of the shares was charged to the borrowing house and hardly will this co. alive again unless miracle exist somewhere..