Tteffub Nerraw's comment on KOPI. All Comments

Tteffub Nerraw
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最近,一家本地连锁咖啡店在店内张贴告示,宣布农历新年期间服务费将从10%调涨到15%,引发了消费者的不满。不少人质疑,咖啡店涨服务费的依据是什么…..invinsible hand at work already...dont chase
Elton Chan
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De Zhi
Kiwi 宝宝梦醒了吗
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Tteffub Nerraw
Dont but above IPO price. Dont play the rich man game unless you are very rich. XD, anyone know if there any IPO lock-up periods ? Im too busy to read.
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Tteffub Nerraw
In compliance with Rule 3.19(1) of the Listing Requirements, a moratorium will be imposed on
the sale, transfer or assignment of Shares held by our Specified Shareholders as follows:
(i) the moratorium applies to our Specified Shareholders’ entire shareholdings for a period
of six (6) months from the date of our admission to the ACE Market (“First six (6)-
Month Moratorium”);
(ii) upon the expiry of the First six (6)-Month Moratorium, we must ensure that our
Specified Shareholders’ aggregate shareholdings amounting to at least 45% of our total
number of issued Shares (adjusted for any bonus issue or subdivision of shares) will
remain under moratorium for a further six (6)-months (“Second six (6)-Month
Moratorium”); and
(iii) upon the expiry of the Second six (6)-Month Moratorium, our Specified Shareholders
may sell, transfer or assign up to a maximum of one-third (⅓) per annum (on a straight
line basis) of their Shares held under moratorium (“Subsequent Moratorium Period”).
In accordance with Rule 3.19A of the Listing Requirements, a moratorium will also be imposed
on the sale, transfer or assignment of Shares held by the Pre-Listing Investor for a period of six
(6) months from the date of admission of the Company to the Official List.
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Tteffub Nerraw
In other words, Lock-Up Period for Specified Shareholders:

First Six-Month Moratorium: All shares held by Specified Shareholders will be under lock-up for 6 months from the listing date.

Second Six-Month Moratorium: After the first 6 months, Specified Shareholders must retain at least 45% of the total issued shares (adjusted for any corporate actions) for another 6 months.
Subsequent Moratorium Period:

After 12 months (6 + 6 months), Specified Shareholders can sell, transfer, or assign up to one-third (⅓) of their remaining shares per annum on a straight-line basis.

Let see if they are selling then. hehe
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Ken Wong
Very sour :)
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Tteffub Nerraw
Dont be sour lar... Those that brought IPO all average up with margin. Those that didnt get the IPO, play FIFO. Newbie chasing high get slaughter ... Greed is building up now. Hahaha let us wait for closing price today. Ok, i let the heaven determine the fate of the newbie. bellaCiao~
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