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The huge losses is it related to non performing loans for property sector? Quite a few major developers especially from mainland were facing financial turmoil in the recent years...
Sarah。在我还没创业之前是在跨国银行做audit. 所以经常飞亚太区,认识到其他国家的同事。去年去香港游玩顺便和ex 香港colleagues gathering. 聊天时,他们说他们也影响很厉害。因为政府慢慢把重心放在上海,和深圳。我这些前同事都是在风险管理领域。所以当我听他们这么说就知道问题的严重性。至于上海深圳能否成功,取决于时间问题罢了。如果漂亮国公平竞争,不要爽爽就经济制裁。中心国早就fly to sun 了。而新加坡因为地理位置, 也是很难有作为。所以最后还是漂亮国做回世界金融中心。但是影响力肯定没以前那么的浓烈. good luck