Joanne Chen Kai Ru's comment on GTRONIC. All Comments

Joanne Chen Kai Ru
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2022年9月的新闻,Iskandar Waterfront City Bhd(IWCity)的外部审计师安永会计师事务所(Messrs Ernst & Young PLT)辞职,因为集团坚持“良好的公司治理”,不时重新委任审计师。
换了老板换一家审计师其实也没有什么大不了的,只是公积金一直这样卖也不是办法,虽然政府最近一直在提倡国家队减少股权让外资进来,但是以市场现在的低迷状态,要恢复之前的1.6-2.6短期是很难了,现在要看gtr 老板怎么表态才是重点,如果公司有问题新老板肯定不会买的,这个我觉得可以放心
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Dex Ng
你讲了那么多,最后两个字是放心。。。那你买了多少? 在什么价位?
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Tai Eng Keat
有了问题的公司 可以说基本面 已经改变了 如此也是说 下跌是不言底的 今天走势

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Teoh Lai
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Joanne Chen Kai Ru
收了8年,拿了很多次股息,见过最高峰今天也见过插水,本金大概有200k, 价钱在1.6之间,老实说如果亏了也没有什么好说的,不过我是不相信是财务问题啦,蛇霸同一个老板吃了那么多年,里面有多脏是肯定的,gtr才换老板不久,新老板入股前肯定有详细查过的,不过说到基本面是已经改变是真的,短期内肯定恢复不了,叫我补仓除非真的有什么大型project 或是科技出现创新,不然也就这样了,不过公积金少一点也是好的,科技股还是需要国外资金进入才比较有看头,不然只是在自己国家买了吃利息,股价也上不了多少,现在在等老板回复看怎样吧
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lau andy kok chong
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Vin Low
@Joanne 给个like 你. 加油
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Joanne Chen Kai Ru
之前跌到1.1的时候也是有点无奈的,现在跌到5毛多反而觉得这是gtr要经历的一个过程,就好像楼上说的,这是一家老人院,里面的董事都是基金和国家队,第一大股东还是Epf, 前老板和家族也只是老二而已,去年前老板卖给了apb resources, Epf 在这段日子里减少股权,希望接下来的日子里外资进来或是apb resources 能够担当起领导,带领公司再创辉煌走出老人院的日子吧
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Ah kiat 0819
刚刚看了 shortlisted UHY Malaysia as our new auditor。。。 希望是虚惊一场。。。
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John Woo
新老板 加入就出问题?那新老板也一样亏钱
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OWNERs come and go. The most important thing in an organization is its key personnel. GTronic key senior personnel are still in the COMPANY e.g. Heng Charng Yee, Yip Wai Chee, Sim Gaik Lan (she's HOT!!) and Lim Guat Li.
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c ng
新老板看上的只是这个200m-140m=60m, 现在这60m已经不见了,不要再做梦了
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After years working at Corporate level in an international company, we look at the key personnel of the organization. Michael's brother is still with GTronic..He is still their CFO. We based our actions on facts and a good business intel.
You have no evidence to support your claims. If you have them, pls present them here and we would be happy to look into it and let everybody here knows.
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silentgaming 7376
Company is team already analys the annual report...besides, the report were audited by well known auditor before they resign...should anything matter rising up...the auditor will be investigate too...price fall due to only panic selling by investor
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Tai Eng Keat
谈論什么也好 市场不给臉 又能做什么?
简单简单地 跟随市场 因为 市场就是一切
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We usually don't prefer to place the same auditor or inspectors at the same site for a long duration. CLIENT or OWNER of the project or account or equipment fear that their auditors or inspectors judgement might have been compromised or biased. They want their auditors / inspectors to keep a distance and maintain their impartiality when they carry out their audits or inspections.
Fund managers and Finance Institutions have back office staffs who advise and update them if there are new findings or changes in the market. They probably know this and right now, they are making the best of if this situation.
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Aaron Yong
so is KPMG problem or Gtronic problem? looks like both also got problems hahaha
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Stephen Loh
all speculation, trader find opportunities
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Tok Tiong
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Stephen Loh
Rebound can it close grey or green today hmm?
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We change existing auditors or audit firms when we found they are becoming complacent or too lax or biased or compromise not only PwC in Evergrande but also in US e.g. Enron, Lehmann Brothers, AIG and etc.. PwC have been auditing Evergrande for 14 years (for f*^k sake)!!!
We believe GTronic switched their audit firm from KPMG to UHY to be inline with good accounting practices.
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Pmp Nails
Seems after lunch there will be release some news
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Louise Huat
Con lan firm today will close green up
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The Undertaker
if not mistaken KPMG never immediately resign when Serba audit issues made known to public at the end of May 2021. They only resigned after Serba sued them in June 2021. They highlighted the problem to management earlier therefore Serba changed their financial year end because audit can't be completed on time.
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Pmp Nails
Lets see will the board do firefighting
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The Undertaker
The problem now should be the selling pressure by big institutions. Some might not want to repeat their mistakes in Serba. I remembered EPF still buying shares few days before the audit announcement by Serba.
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silentgaming 7376
U guys just sell this stock....saying negatif but silently buy is what the operator wan u to do....u just right put urself inside the crocodile mouth.
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Undertaker, I already checked. EPF & KWAP stopped buying Serbadk shares immediately after KPMG issue a disclaimer. It is also important to note that KPMG was Serbadk's auditor from 2016 until 2022. Pls see below.

Chronology Serba Dinamik vs KPMG
Jan 2023: the courts allowed a petition filed by six financial institutions to wind up Serba Dinamik and its subsidiaries over debts totalling about RM5 billion
June 23, 2021: KPMG PLT sees no basis for the legal action taken by its client Serba Dinamik
June 22, 2921: Serba Dinamik to take legal action against external auditor KPMG for alleged negligence and breached its contractual and statutory duties to the group.
June 2 to 22: The EPF had sold 20.56 million shares, leaving it with 348.29 million shares or 9.39%.
June 1: Kumpulan Wang Persaraan Diperbadankan (KWAP), which had a 5.2% stake in Serba Dinamik, ceased to be a substantial shareholder after disposing of 26.18 million shares or 0.7%
May 2021: KPMG flagged issues involving the group's transactions and receivables that amounted to at least RM3.5 billion; EPF stopped buying Serbadk shares
Apr 2021: KWAP stopped buying Serbadk shares
Dec 31, 2016: KPMG PLT (Firm No. AF 0758), Level 2, Lee Onn Building, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
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no one know 100% for sure what is happening behind the scene, flight ticket is here, fly to moon or fly to holland, decide you want buy or not, if you buy remember to have back up plan, so if you landed in holland you can buy another ticket coming back
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Pmp Nails
Steadyy steaddy
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bppoh75 poh
tabung haji also dump this share
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The Undertaker
nazr011, if you look back to Serba announcement they only announced it end of May 2021 while the meeting between KPMG and management already took place earlier that month. EPF still buying it during that period until the announcement out, then KWAP was the first who disposed millions of shares when share price fall to about 80c ,followed by EPF and other institutions. The thing that different from Gtronic is that KPMG never resigned as Serba auditor when they raised red flag, until end of June.
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silentgaming 7376
Tak perlu pening2....beli saja...sudah ada power
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nazr zach
Undertaker, I already look high and low in Bursa announcements if EPF acquired Serbadk shares after KPMG raised flag on the 31st May 2021. They stopped acquiring immediately on the 1st June 2021. They disposed as much as they can in the same month.
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