Ah Choon Wong's comment on IJM-C83. All Comments

Ah Choon Wong
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超人…. 深夜人静时……唯一直接告诉你的 !
Wen Chong
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Kevin Yap
ACW, I took the first profit first from this baby. Got opportunity i will reenter again...thanks ACW
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …congratulations, fast hand fast leg ….….hahaha
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Kevin Yap
Thanks ACW.... Learn from u , ACW
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Kevin Yap
ACW, MNRB baby still can play arr?
i oso masuk cikit
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin ……..play cikit cikit OK !
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Kevin Yap
kiki....thanks ACW....

Hey, u seem so busy these days?
take it slowly man
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW. Seems like Buffet uncle busy buying Petrol counter kan....

btw, finally Nvidia comes down ... it is time to cool off . Luckily kita sudah lari jual pao ooi, ACW
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning….

Warren Buffet up its stake in Occidental Petroleum Corp, petroleum and gas won’t go away anytime soon.
But funds won’t goreng oil and gas counters because they are not ESG counters also…..
Unless oil price move above 90…..
So many turkeys can fly in wind storm, leading stocks coming down, the down trend is so obvious……
Keep your profit and capital, wait for the next opportunity to come along ……
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1 Like · 3 months · translate
Kevin Yap
ACW, thanks for your sharp insight! Appreciate .... wait for your signal , Tun ACW
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hi 股神acw谢谢你,在5穷6绝7翻身,大家一起huat
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW and Superman.

ACW...I definitely agreed w you. it is hard to catch anything at this moment. Only experience traders may take some position....newbies like me sure kaput. Tunggu the right signal.
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning….

Best is watching to preserve your profit and capital…..rotational play to those third and fourth liners……
really turkeys also can fly in wind storms….
best wishes to those who hold these stocks long ago ( 被套久了) and the daring new traders …….
The thematic play of AI and Data Center are coming down….ytlpower almost dropped one dollar from high ……
for me ‘valuation’ and ‘intuition’ always worked best ……50-60% right is good enough……
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1 Like · 3 months · translate
Kevin Yap
Yes, best is preserve our profit and capital. Many daring traders still shouting..... daring sometimes is not enough, need to be more rational and intuition. The AL is long overdue for correction though... i now sideline, playing cikit cikit like MNRB baby and those dip kaw kaw...2 pips lari lor.....can earn a kopi kaw sudah happy these day...
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Kevin Yap
ACW, ijm still got pai-kut meat eat boh?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …difficult to say, the big guys keep selling and buying ……
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Kevin Yap
ACW, yes yes....wa si beh confused looking at their buying and selling....dun know what they are up to....
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Ah Choon Wong
明天看如何 ? 哈哈哈哈哈 !
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Kevin Yap
ACW.....tak fahammmmm meee la...aiyoyo
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Kevin Yap
ACW....sula paham....North!
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股神acw 你可以收我为徒吗,最近输到路都摸不到
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW.... today we open our eyes big big for Same and IJN ya...kiki...

btw, mnrb oso good good....buy shao shao de profit.....song oso
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Oliver Queen333
ACW’s quote so accurate. Valuation and intuition. Learnt a new 形态 today
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning …

Market consolation still on, but the party for AI and Data Center is going as before.
Will ijm and ijm- C83 join the party ?
Maybe can look at one small counter DFX which have some contracts from TM on data center and IT jobs ….….buyn dips ….
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1 Like · 3 months · translate
Kevin Yap
Good morning BossKu ACW. Faham, rock it out man!! Yahooo
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Kevin Yap
Aisehhhhh, Q 190 talak dapat....today no kopi lo....nvm....better tmr ACW
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …buy some first , don’t wait !
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Mayanne Chan
Kevin, I have joined this boat this morning. Hope can earn some kfc meal... Thanks, ACW!
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Kevin Yap
okie okie
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真的厉害股神acw 谢谢你的kopi 钱
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Ah Choon Wong
超人….. 不是我利害, 是炒家或庄家利害 !
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Wen Chong
ACW, 我C2T亏到看不到路。。。。有没有好介绍
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Kevin Yap
ACW, power giler mat
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …Total Reset’s Infotec up only 7%, he make a lot of noise , this one over 36% …….
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Kevin Yap
hahahah....total reset is total compound, right? kikiki....nvm, we diam diam kasi dia voicing up....then we boom again another stock
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Kevin Yap
ur CMSB oso suddenly awake..... The Wake of A dragon
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Kevin Yap
ACW, another one, i still holding...MNRB ....from 0.15
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Mayanne Chan
Tqvm, IJM and ACW, got 鸡饭钱, liao... 哈哈哈
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Kevin Yap
MC...chicken rice, then boleh tapao satu teh tarik ikat tepi liao
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
One day up 50% ….Hahahaha !
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Kevin Yap
ACW, bo kan tang
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股神……acw 你厉害我赢100%左
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Mayanne Chan
Can, no problem... Kevin! 哈哈哈
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Mayanne Chan
Congrats, Superman!
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semua orang follow 股神acw
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Kevin Yap
Supermannnnnnnnnn....hoseh liao
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Ah Choon Wong
超人…. 十八天前的深夜在 Aeon-C28 和你说的,到现在 100% 了。

如果隔一天把全部轉去ijm 和ijm-C83, 你赚回很多……
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
Two weeks plus , from 0.085 to 0.185 …..
2 Like · 3 months · translate
Simon Lim
thank acw
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Ah Choon Wong
如果ijm 上到四块,这个会去到 800%
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Kevin Yap
ACW, I join back in after next 2 weeks....
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin ….OK …..cicit cicit main lah !
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Kevin Yap
makan apa ACW? Wa makan ketam nasi lemak ooi, syiok
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …..boleh makan ikan empurau dari Sarawak ! Hahaha
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Mayanne Chan
I also want, specially flown into peninsular from there!!! 哈哈哈
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Kevin Yap
ACW, u see me so atass one meh...wa ikan bilis masak sambal punya sudah syukur alhamdullilah....amin
2 Like · 3 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
一个星期开番股 …… 哈哈哈 !
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Ah Choon Wong
超人劃的图,好看过很多股的图 !
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Ah Choon Wong
Last batch sold all at 0.22, one month more than 150% ……hahaha !
Like · 2 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
0.22 走得刚刚好,跌多才进回一点 !
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Ah Choon Wong
小船走得快,先到先得 !
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Kevin Yap
ACW...no wait me??? haizzz...
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin……Noticed the two funds keep selling ……
I sold all at 0.22, bought back a bit at 0.20 …..
Maybe you can look at C-86, longer maturity date ……but premium a bit higher …….
Like · 2 months · translate
Kevin Yap
thanks ACW. Looking at the mama, i think she needs to rest before charge further.

86 - though premium is a bit higher, i think it will be just a number when mama become angry bull, right?

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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW.

Btw, i think this I is very similar to S , fund keep on selling and buying.
S seems like coming back where selling by big fund is reducing and buying increases
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …good morning…

Ya, ijm Seems like Sime, will come back soon ….
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Kevin Yap
just a matter of time, ACW. Ur pick is always have my full confidence. Kamxia.

where u enjoy ur coffee today?
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