LFC ynwa's comment on ECA. All Comments

LFC ynwa
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ECA 这个月就要出业绩了。。


ECA 股价也差不多在这个范围也徘徊了整半年。。继续观察公司下半年的表现。。加油!
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LFC ynwa
Additionally, SIA today endorsed the WSTS Spring 2024 global semiconductor sales forecast, which projects annual global sales will grow to $611.2 billion in 2024, which would be the industry’s highest-ever annual sales total. In 2025, global sales are projected to reach $687.4 billion. WSTS tabulates its semi-annual industry forecast by gathering input from an extensive group of global semiconductor companies that provide accurate and timely indicators of semiconductor trends.
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2 Like · 3 weeks · translate
LFC ynwa
上个星期吹水,Lee 兄弟有提到scg mnh应该会受益于 目前盛行的 DC主题与趋势。。还有什么公司可以关注的?

大马的“科技”公司,有那间会开始受益于刚要复苏的半岛体 行业?
2 Like · 3 weeks · translate
LFC ynwa

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Nick Chung
don't worry target 0.6 no problem
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LFC ynwa
Nick 哈!别这么快。。
希望营业额增加,与盈利可以做到1.5m 到 2.0m....那就是好的起点。。
如果2.5m 到 3m... 那就可以开始乐投资了。。。xd

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Warren Time
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Nick Chung
Steve 我去年已经在半导体等待了。。不过我买软件股比较多。。hardware的少部分,expect recovery in revenue but drop in margin
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Hock Huo Lee
恭喜恭喜nick chung赚粗粗了
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Nick Chung
lee 大家一起发。。。继续互相分享
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LFC ynwa


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Nick Chung
Steve 我一直都有分享啊。。只是很多人一直留言整天吵架应该看不到了。。哈哈
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Nick Chung
未来的领域还是 physical services / talent 强势,有些东西 AI 是目前做不到的。比如家私业(automation only) ,维修行业等等
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LFC ynwa
AI 可以提升许多行业的效率,你认为大马什么行业,公司就快要执行?
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Nick Chung
Steve not so fast... need time to mature, the earliest should be government sector to improve efficiency of the workers. we can see JB alrdy start to go passport free from Singapore enter JB just use facial recognition

mostly Services will benefit from AI first
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Alex Chan
有位股友问我 synergy 真的是宝。。nick
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LFC ynwa

有关注到。。dsonic 已经在fight for
这个100m 的合同了。。

Auto Gates Potential

In a response towards concerns about airport congestion, especially at KLIA, the Home Ministry has initially opened the auto gate facilities to foreigners from 10 low-risk countries such as Singapore, Brunei, New Zealand, and the G7 nations. Recently, the list was expanded to include 36 additional countries, enhancing border control efficiency and facilitating smoother entry for a broader range of visitors.。。。
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LFC ynwa


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LFC ynwa

季报出来股价还被抛售。。lol !




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Nick Chung
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LFC ynwa

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Nick Chung
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Warren Time
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Nick Chung
warren 抓紧机会好股。越来越多投资者开始知道马来西亚被低估很久了
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Warren Time
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LFC ynwa

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Warren Time
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Warren Time
李书福:进口零件成本高30% ,geely吉利拟大马建供应链。
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Roywong Wong
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Warren Time
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Warren Time
大家申请柴油津贴200 lulus了吗?
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Nick Chung
你驾柴油车吗??? T20 不用看了。。拿不到
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Warren Time
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Warren Time
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LFC ynwa

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Alex Chan
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Nick Chung
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Warren Time
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LFC ynwa
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Nick Chung
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LFC ynwa
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LFC ynwa
Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) is a “generational opportunity” that could grow to become 10-15% of the S&P 500 index, Evercore ISI analysts said in a Sunday note.

According to the investment banking firm, Nvidia is not just a semiconductor company but an “ecosystem play” set to lead the age of parallel processing. “driven by an every 15-20 year Tectonic Shift in Computing."
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Nick Chung
等业绩啊。。。呵呵 会不会像 edelteq 。。。
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Wau Kying_hyman
业绩要 Q3才能回来吧
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LFC ynwa

Nick.. 真有点。。不过没她那么美。。哈!

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Wau Kying_hyman
听说不。。。。。。 哈哈
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Warren Time
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LFC ynwa
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Wau Kying_hyman
50/50 很多vendor supplier 会进去。。。打听打听生意 就知道了
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LFC ynwa
Market focus was squarely on the conclusion of a two-day Fed meeting on Wednesday, where the central bank is widely expected to keep interest rates steady. 

But markets were somewhat optimistic about the Fed flagging potential rate cuts, especially after its peers, particularly the European Central Bank, began trimming rates earlier in June. 

Still, general consensus is that the Fed will only begin cutting rates by September, as the U.S. labor market remains strong and inflation expectations b
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LFC ynwa
2024年6月11日週二 下午11:42

世界銀行上調今年全球經濟增長預測至2.6%,較1月時預測上調0.2個百分點,與去年增長率相同,主要受美國需求強勁帶動。 世銀在最新《全球經濟展望》報告中預測,美國今年經濟增長2.5%,增速與去年持平,較1月時預測大幅上調0.9個百分點。中國今年經濟增長預測4.8%,上調0.3個百分點,主要受惠於出口增長。 世銀估計,明年及後年全球經濟增長率都是2.7%,遠低於新冠疫情前10年3.1%的平均水平,又預測未來幾年利率將是2000-2019年平均水平的兩倍,將抑制經濟增長,增加以美元借貸新興市場國家債務壓力。
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Warren Time
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Nick Chung
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LFC ynwa
 U.S. consumer prices increased by less than expected on an annualized basis in May, suggesting a possible easing in price pressures that could influence how Federal Reserve policymakers see the future path of interest rates.

The Labor Department's consumer price index rose by 3.3% last month, decelerating slightly from 3.4% in April. Economists had predicted that the figure would match April's rate.
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LFC ynwa
Month-on-month, the reading slowed to 0.0% from 0.3%, cooler than expectations for an uptick of 0.1%.
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LFC ynwa
U.S. producer prices unexpectedly decreased on a month-on-month basis in May, dragged down in particular by a decline in the costs of gasoline, in the latest sign of cooling inflationary pressures in the world's largest economy.

The producer price index (PPI) for final demand dipped by 0.2% last month, reversing an increase of 0.5% in April, according to Labor Department data. Economists had called for an uptick of 0.1%. 
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LFC ynwa
St as ay 15 Jan 24

High confidence in securing first aerospace IPS project. Management is in the midst of discussion with a European player involving 2 major parts, namely the IPS line for aerospace industry players and aero structure fabrication. The newly-added floor space of 11,000 sq ft, which is currently under renovation and various audits, is mainly to cater for this venture.
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Nick Chung
wa Steve u spam apa..haha
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LFC ynwa
希望这个project 可以成功赢得合约

Meanwhile, it has set its sight on providing full-range assembly and test solution for insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) power devices. It has built a prototype for an existing client and the feedback is positive. They are currently tendering for 2 production lines, which will take 2 years to complete. The tender results will be known by 2Q 2024. If successful, it could contribute significantly to the group sales in the future.
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Nick Chung
Steve get back to you later tonight..
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LFC ynwa
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Nick Chung
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LFC ynwa

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Nick Chung
I think next qr remain 5m revenue like that ba, profit should be more than previous qr .. hooefully
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LFC ynwa

公司的break even point 大概是在4.8m 吧!如果可以做到6.5m 以上,那应该是好的开始。。
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LFC ynwa
芝加哥聯邦儲備銀行總裁古爾斯比表示,本周的經濟數據顯示5月通脹降溫,他仍希望在減息之前見到更多月份錄得良好通脹數據。 古爾斯比表示,在過去的18個月內,當局在降低通脹率方面取得很大進展。而在減息之前,必須見到更多的進展。 他指,聯儲局密切關注經濟的健康狀況、經濟中的痛苦跡象,如貸款拖欠率正在上升,但仍未有達到與經濟衰退相關的水平。 他又指,如果通脹繼續緩解,聯儲局能夠降低利率,這樣聯儲局可能會完全避免經濟衰退。
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LFC ynwa
The S&P 500 and Nasdaq scored record closing highs on Monday as technology shares rallied on enthusiasm over artificial intelligence ahead of this week's economic data and Federal Reserve officials' speeches that could shed light on monetary policy.
The Fed will be able to cut its benchmark interest rate once this year, Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker said on Monday, if his economic forecast plays out.
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LFC ynwa
MITI said the growth in exports was mainly due to strong exports of electrical and electronic (E&E) products, palm oil and palm oil-based agriculture products, manufacturing of metal, optical and scientific equipment, and iron and steel products.

"Exports of E&E products sustained positive growth for the second consecutive month.
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LFC ynwa
Malaysia’s trade remained resilient and buoyant in May 2024, recording a double-digit year-on-year (y-o-y) growth of 10.3 per cent to RM246.31 billion,
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Nick Chung
Steve VS skpres already move... next is tech
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LFC ynwa
蘋果公司本月在全球開發者大會(WWDC)推出「Apple Intelligence」,把其整合到iPhone、iPad和Mac的新作業系統中,外界視為AI手機正式開賽。綜合主流機構預測,今年全球AI手機滲透率料介乎11%至16%。分析認為,自WWDC大會後,市場上調iPhone出貨預測,加上AI功能增加高階機型吸引力,利好蘋果供應鏈,料晶片、記憶體、聲學、鏡頭供應商皆可受惠。相比安卓(Android),今年下半年更看好蘋果供應鏈。
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LFC ynwa


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LFC ynwa
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Roywong Wong
morning everone.......
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Waller See
bet on better Q2 results
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Roywong Wong
waller good luck。。。。。
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老千业绩。。隔壁kopitiam 3个月,都赚比他多
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CK Ting
有成长 limit up!!
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LFC ynwa

别这样。。。就像孩子考试成绩有进步。。从50分, 改善到55分。。
应该称赞还是打屁股呢? 哈哈!
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Nick Chung
he Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) wishes to announce that the Board had approved the merger of the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee into a single committee to be known as the “Nomination and Remuneration Committee” with effect from 24 June 2024.

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