Ska Sow's comment on SCGBHD. All Comments

Ska Sow
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it will bounce back
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Lim Kopi
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Ska Sow
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Shun En
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Shun En
以前6毛跌3毛,纯粹那时是炒IPO,现在是炒data centre 应该不一样吧 (与我无关 我没票 哈哈哈啊啊啊啊啊)
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Boo Yee xuan
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Ska Sow
没有股票每天上的,调整才能继续出发。pe 十多而已,上涨空间还很大
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Kai Jie
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Ska Sow
AI 主题都还在跑着,电力严重不足是肯定的。TNB 急需提升整体的电力供应和更换老旧的电缆。隔壁 MTEC 的 PE 都在天空了,没理由 SCG 这么有成长性的,PE 那么低
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CheeWei Chew
那是因為這隻股票名字沒有tech 有的話已經三塊
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Drop drop drop … waiting 0.30 ya.. tq
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Peter Lynch
要投机赚钱就mtec, 要投资赚钱就scgb. Mtec背后有大玩家随意就能拉高拉低股价,scgb则是靠生意成绩来慢慢拉升股价。对比起国外的上市电缆公司pe平均都在20以上,现在的scgb pe的确还是被低估。
2 Like · 3 months · translate
Run ya , today will drop Kow Kow ..
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So many skl
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Chun Yom
ya skl like talk co ck
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p 1
RM 1 coming
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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah… Lai Liao !
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Limit uppppppppp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hello 2024
actually u want this counter drop or up leh?
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CheeWei Chew
smartker always talk 反話的
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Peter Lynch
Of course he wants it up la, he just likes to scared people to cheat for cheap ticket. Congrats Smarco I know u damn happy that ur warrant brings u a great fortune, tonight can eat lobster celebrate.
1 Like · 3 months · translate
On paper gain. We dunno when is it Big drop. Hahahaha.. I just shout out weak holder !! Hahaha
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William Tan
target 1.10
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Susein Lim
target 1.50
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Drop drop drop hahahahaha
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William Tan
follow fibo will go rm1.10
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Hello 2024
hahahaha if I'm newbie, I kena trap one
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William Tan
surely will drop to 0.800 level after that continue climb up to 1.10, according to fibo retra
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Sell sell sell … drop drop drop … come to papa
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p 1
RM1 lailailai
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Khor Chiang Sneah
Good stocks... up up up. Target RM1.00. hahaha.
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