coonec henry's comment on TENAGA. All Comments

coonec henry
12 Like · Reply
told you all if 14 I cut..... not even 13.5 haaaahaaa
lawrence hou
today cut bird show?
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Conec belum potong lagi ke?
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coonec henry
jgn pecut awal dump before closing je.... skrg enjoy tea dlu..... thanks for pushing highhhhhh
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King Ianflamming56ou
apatah lagi tinggal utk potong...lidah la aje...kekeke
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don believe this fellow cakap dengan buat macam bodoh if ltr break new ath thn this fellow play hide & seek ady one hide until don knw when one
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Potong dulu baru cakap......cakap tak payah modal...siapa pun boleh buat
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coonec henry
tanka I always welcome everyone to visit our office at KL, because you would have interest to take part of the journey with us

if you're interested, let me know (we are well known securities in Malaysia)
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Potong pun tak berani...lagi nak ajak lawat ofis. Poodah lah.
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King Ianflamming56ou
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PS Tan (펭셍)
I was about to search this impressive comment. Haha, manatau sudah di top 1
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Khor Chiang Sneah
Wah .. RM14.14 liou .. RM15.00 coming soon. hahaha.
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coonec henry
slowly.... need to breed it before cut it slow.....
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Khor Chiang Sneah
Angry bird too short already.. no neck to cut. hahaha.
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Hk Tan
Are you ok? XD
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King Ianflamming56ou
forget de Cognac....focus on Energy.kekeke
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cakap i pun boleh lah hahahahhh
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woi almost 14.200 ady u cut wht havent said wor , cakap macam bodoh buat pun macam bodoh now hide ad lor , ltr if price go down 13.8 something thn come out said i told before lor
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coonec henry
no worries we will make it below ya
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coonec henry
time for a lesson to all of you, do not opposite with whale
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lawrence hou
errr.... cut ggb show?
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Terry Max
Cut kkj or cut finger nail?
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Sudah potong ke? Lagi cakap manyak manyak
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Chiashirn Lee
Rm20 coming end of the year
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Vuiton Lim
RM15 --> Rm16 --> RM17 --> RM18 ...Unwavering uptrend
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Khor Chiang Sneah
TNB new target price RM16.10
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Xiaoo Mok
cut KKJ lo
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Xiaoo Mok
RM14 already
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David Yong
aiyo cocknec no gugubird already, so kesian.
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coonec henry
well done , thanks for the profit and support hehe
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Konek sudah potong kah?
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If not, you are just all talk trash
3 Like · 2 weeks · translate
na see this loser coonec hide again talk and buat macam bodoh woi come out leh 14.280 ady lo , said u r well known securities , scammer securities lah cakap macam bodoh buat pun macam bodoh
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King Ianflamming56ou
scam bag betul..Cognac ...kekeke
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coonec henry
relax guys..... will back to 11 soon hehehe thanks for letting us clear stock with good price
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Konek sudah potong kah?
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this stupid fellow confirm come out if the price going down below 14 n said i told before memang bodoh betul
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tak ya buat macam bodoh lah cakap dengan buat macam bodoh stupid betul
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if want clear thn clear all lah cakap saja scammer said well knwn securities scammer securities in malaysia lah stupid fellow
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Kuli Life
Kesian mesti kalah byk ni kekekee
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coonec henry
aha kenapa smua diam skrg tlg lah support push lagi
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Terry Max
All waiting you cut lor
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Raymond Fah
diamlah henry
u haven't gugubrid already
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see hahhaha confirm come out if the price going below 14 hahha such a loser , if price go up hide until hantu pun tak dapat jumpa
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woi want throw thn sell all ur tnb share lah don cakap only loser betul
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David Yong
Today I sell 2M share to make it 13.xx, to make that noCock Henry appear. sée, the no cock Henry come out already (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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coonec henry
so many butthurt sni.... aduiiii sudah warn X dgr
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jangan buat bodoh lah price up hide until ghost also cant find drop only come out said i warn such a loser hahahha
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David Yong
time beli RM11.xx je, turun ke RM9.xx pun tak ada rasa. Skrg naik balik RM14.28 butthurt apa? (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) yg jual awal awal tapi tengok share price naik tu sakit hati la.
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Kuli Life
I regret la should follow Henry advice
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King Ianflamming56ou
like Cognac playing his guli ...kekeke
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Bro Fariz
Esok baru tenaga belanja lemang.. hari ini tenaga masih buat korban
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King Ianflamming56ou
daging abis ke....rendang Ayam ade ke...kekeke
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Oliver Ooi
It quick to reach rm14, it should by end of this year. So let it rerouting
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Konek dah potong belum?
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Lionel Essi
Biggest boss also keep throwing shares. Really Good luck
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King Ianflamming56ou
keep...n keep buying in....kekeke
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Kuli Life
Seems Henry is right…..
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He is not right when he says it will not go to 14. If it does, he cut....and now still haven't cut.
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So konek sudah potong belum?
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Khor Chiang Sneah
TNB so good .. if drop below 13.50 I will keep buying.. but don't promise to cut ahh. hahaha.
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coonec henry
typical loser in life X gaku jatuh hahahaha
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Loser konek....potong belum? Tak gaku nak potong?
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King Ianflamming56ou
tinggal Ape lagi...Cognac...dah jadi aweks...kekeke
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King Ianflamming56ou
buy now or never...AI effects...23... cummin
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Kuli Life
Thanks for insight! I sold all mine at 14
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Khor Chiang Sneah
Why not wait till rm15.00 ?? hahaha.
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Raymond Fah
你卖 。
我今天加点票 。
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scammer when will come out? hide ad is it?
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coonec henry
ahaaaa ramai degil lagi hehehe share dgn korg 2024 xkan cecah 14 tauuuu.... shark share tips kena bersyukur
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oiii i think u still live in cave leh share price up the highest 14.28 ady lor still sleep ah throw more leh don cakap cakap macam bodoh
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drop thn said wait april or something don use dividend ex-date said lah useless bodoh , now price up so much no need adjust? u think share price will juz up no go down? don knw how to play thn juz go back home ply with ur toy lor
Show more
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King Ianflamming56ou
cognac try to buy chip that made herself cheap ...kekeke
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David Yong
kesian cooknec, gugubird sudah tak ada. skrg telur pun tak ada.
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Chee yoong Pong
LoL Hahaha笑9死
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David Yong
Kali kedua RM14 ( 25/6/2024)potong telur. Kali ketiga nanti nak potong apa?
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JB Chiu
N for N 0 0 B , hahahahaha
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coonec henry
easy money please buy more hehehe
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coonec henry
wanna fight with whale.... lol life losers
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King Ianflamming56ou
the whale ... bossku ... tsunami ... kekeke
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Terry Max
Cut dy? It's 14 again wor.
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Have to cut 2 times...Konek don't forget to cut ya, Tin Kosong....
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oi 14 again wor why not cut until rm9? i want collect more leh loser always be loser
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said most famouse securities in malaysia mah now diam diam liao lor cakap besar tapi otak kecil macam loser
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coonec henry
relax.... slow slow wash profit baru besor
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coonec henry
it will back to 11 in 3 months time, all of us washing and sell at your buy point

jgn degil save your money bring your wife and kids makan KFC better than lose it, ok?
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coonec henry
BlackRock isn't first day in Malaysia, wake up laaaa business is business, we take profit that's it doesn't matter up or down as long as stupid people buy high
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Bro Fariz
Only sell when coonec konet tell us to buy.. since 8.xx pon coonec konet suruh orang lain jual.
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King Ianflamming56ou
Cognac theory.... kekeke
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coonec henry
haters gonna hate anyway, congratulations making loss
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King Ianflamming56ou
bird losing...don't look back in anger... kekeke
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coonec henry
kasi insider tips X mau dgr padan muka la rugi duit mak ko kikiki
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Bro Fariz
kalau power insider tips dari 8.xx kompang beli.. bukan dari start bull suruh orang jual..
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Sudah 3 kali kena potong dah....... Insider konon....
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Jason Ngu
potong LJ, saya suka s***
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Sabrina Hassan
Sudah potong kaaa
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King Ianflamming56ou
potong lidah...dah...potong stem... kekeke
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David Yong
sudah 5-6 Kali Naik RM14. Dia sudah potong gugubird, telur, rambut, baju, seluar dalam. Nanti naik lagi potong nipple pulak.
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coonec henry
buy more pls hehehe
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King Ianflamming56ou
pls sell losing your parts.. kekeke
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