koay peter's comment on KSL. All Comments

koay peter
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Bryan Mic
No DY , how low PE also no use .
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cs wang
Any reason this company dont pay div?
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Old uncle lai
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bppoh75 poh
haiz....Mahsing are much faster movement than KSL....zzzzzz
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Kerbie Low
and Mahsing's PE is higher than KSL too
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for me no dividend is OK, as well as the management able to present good result and eventually will reflect in the share price like what is happening now. I am happy with my capital gain up to 90%
1 Like · 4 weeks · translate
Mahsing profit not as good as KSL and the balance sheet too. Mahsing price moving up so fast may due to participation in DC and the recent price uptrend of glove stock, but we need to follow up whether the uptrend is sustainable
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bppoh75 poh
when ksl set up data center too? kekeke
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Naif Zakwan
zzzz zzzzzzzzz
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bppoh75 poh
zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz
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